Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Psychological Causes of Depression
Mental Causes of Depression The genuine reasons for sadness are as yet obscure today yet there are a couple of hypotheses that could help clarify them. It is broadly accepted by analysts and researchers that every psychological issue are realized by an intricate connection of mental, natural, and social components. A genuine misfortune, ceaseless ailment, relationship issue, work pressure, family emergency, money related difficulty, or any unwanted life change can touch off a burdensome issue (Psychologyinfo. om). Sorrow is a genuine issue in the United States and has just gotten increasingly predominant among people as their lives become progressively distressing and overpowering. One hypothesis for the reason for gloom is the bio-psycho-social model of causation and is the most regularly perceived hypothesis for the reason for clutters, for example, discouragement by experts. As expressed before, it comprises of a confused connection of mental, natural, and social factors.This can be brought about by vacillated levels of hormones, which would clarify why numerous individuals first experience sorrow during pubescence. (Grohol, 2006). The specific reasons for sorrow are tremendous and obscure. A few sorts of wretchedness have been found in families from age to age, which may conceivably propose that it very well may be acquired (Grohol, 2006). So, significant gloom is by all accounts present many ages, in certain families, however not with a recurrence that proposes clear organic causes.Furthermore, it additionally happens in individuals who have no family ancestry of wretchedness (Psychologyinfo. com). This is likewise found in individuals with bipolar turmoil. An examination on relatives that have a place with specific groups of every age that create bipolar scatters, has discovered that those with the disease have a to some degree unexpected hereditary cosmetics in comparison to the individuals who don't have the confusion. Regardless, not every person with the hereditary cosmetics that is emotional to bipolar confusion will get the disorder.Additional factors, for example, worries at home, work, or school, are additionally associated with the disorder’s beginning (melancholy guide. com. , et al. ). A combination of mental variables seems to have an impact in the defenselessness to these persistent sorts of sorrow. Individuals who have low confidence, are not idealistic, and promptly overpowered by pressure, are inclined to sadness (Grohol, 2006). More than likely, these mental variables are totally responsible for different types of mellow and moderate gloom, especially receptive depression.Reactive misery is by and large analyzed as an alteration issue during treatment. Social learning factors likewise show why mental complexities seem to happen all the more routinely in relatives, all through ages. For instance, if a youngster is brought up in a critical family unit, where demoralization is successive and consolation isn't, t he kid will build up a defenselessness to misery too. (Psychologyinfo. com. , et al). As of late, specialists have discovered that physical changes in the body can be combined with mental changes as well.Medical sicknesses, for example, a malignancy, Parkinson’s ailment, stroke, cardiovascular failure, and hormonal issue can achieve a burdensome ailment. This can bring about the evil individual to feel uninterested with their wellbeing and be reluctant to additionally think about their physical needs. Also, any upsetting change, money related issues, relationship issues, or genuine misfortune can enact a burdensome undertaking (Grohol, 2006). Gloom is a genuine developing issue in the United States.Modern science and exploration is gradually assisting with facilitating decode the confusion to help moderate its development. More than 9. 2 million Americans have major or clinical melancholy. At a practical outlook, melancholy is a significant issue and should be represented, wi th an expected $30. 4 billion spent every year on sadness related medicines, drug, and diagnostics. Shockingly, the World Health Organization appraises constantly 2020, discouragement will be the number two reason for, â€Å"lost long periods of sound living,†worldwide.As our populaces continues rising and our economy intensifying, we can dare to dream that Psychologists help decrease the sickness of wretchedness. References â€Å"Cause of Depression: various reasons for misery. †Depression Treatment, Medication, Help, Symptoms: Anxiety Attacks Depression Test, Types, ADHD Causes. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. . â€Å"Causes of gloom. †Psychology Information Online. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. . Grohol, John M. â€Å"The Causes of Depression | Psych Central. †Psych Central †Trusted data in psychological well-being and brain science. 6 Dec. 2006. Web. 14 Nov. 2009. .
Saturday, August 22, 2020
Asch Study Research Paper free essay sample
Solomon Asch at long last directed the trial in 1951 on a gathering of male members. Asch made two cards, the main card had a line that the members needed to coordinate with a different line on the subsequent card, this card had three lines that the members could look over. Asch previously accumulated eight confederates, â€Å"actors acting like participants†(Pastorino, 512). Each of the eight of these confederates where advised to intentionally say the undeniable wrong answer. So asch took eight confederates and one member and asked them which line on the subsequent card was a similar length as the line on the principal card. The confederates went first with the goal that the member could hear their answer. After the confederates said their answer the member was then expected to offer his response. Seventy-four percent of the time the member would comply with the confederates answer. Through this trial Asch discovered enormous data. The individuals who acclimated first clearly indicated mistrust, even with all the incredulity they despite everything accommodated. We will compose a custom paper test on Asch Study Research Paper or on the other hand any comparable subject explicitly for you Don't WasteYour Time Recruit WRITER Just 13.90/page Very nearly 75% of the individuals put under the gathering tension fit in with the undeniable bogus answer. In brain science this is the Asch Effect. The Asch Effect is â€Å"the impact of a gathering dominant part on the decisions of an individual†(Zimbardo, 571). Despite the fact that most of the members adjusted to clear wrong answer, there were some that stayed with their own convictions. These individuals are called Heroes, â€Å"Heroes are individuals who can oppose situational powers that overpower their friends and stay consistent with their own values†(Zimbardo, 572). These kind of individuals challenge the degenerate society and don’t go with the gatherings convictions. Just as Heroes, there are Independents who may fall in dismay of the others, yet at the same time oblige their own answers. Solomon Asch made an examination to test the forces of similarity by planning a test comprised of line to discover research and data required when finding out about congruity. Similarity is the point at which somebody receives a group’s conduct, mentalities, and suppositions just to fit in. There were numerous individuals who fit in with Asch’s study. Seventy-four percent of the members put into the investigation adjusted to the group’s bogus answers. Despite the fact that the dominant part adjusted there were other that didn’t fit in with the appropriate responses of the gathering, these individuals were the Heroes and the Individuals. All in all most of the individuals put into this examination fit in with the group’s answers. Panarchy. Solomon Asch : Opinions and Social Pressure (1955). Panarchy Panarchie Panarchia Panarquia. 2001-2010. Web. 16 Jan. 2011. lt;http://www. panarchy. organization/asch/social. pressure. 1955. htmlgt;. Pastorino, Ellen, and Susann Doyle-Portillo. What Is Psychology? Australia: Thomson Wadsworth, 2009. Print. Zimbardo, Philip G. Brain research: AP* Edition with Discovery Psychology. Boston, MA: Allyn amp; Bacon, 2010. Print.
Sunday, August 2, 2020
Manage BPD Using the Pros Cons Tool
Manage BPD Using the Pros Cons Tool BPD Living With BPD Print Manage BPD Using the Pros Cons Tool By Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD, is a clinical psychologist and associate professor of psychology at Eastern Connecticut State University. Learn about our editorial policy Kristalyn Salters-Pedneault, PhD Updated on May 11, 2019 Hero Images/Getty Images More in BPD Living With BPD Diagnosis Treatment Related Conditions Using the Pros and Cons is a skill taught in Dialectical Behavior Therapy (DBT), a cognitive behavior approach to borderline personality disorder (BPD). During DBT, this tool is used to help you evaluate whether or not to engage in impulsive behaviors or aggressive actions. But this tool can help you think through other kinds of decisions too. By thinking through the consequences of what may happen and by evaluating what your goal is for your behavior, you can help manage your symptoms. If you are struggling to decide what to do in a given situation, give the Pros and Cons Tool a try. Getting Ready Get a piece of paper and draw one horizontal and one vertical line to divide it into quarters. At the top of the upper left-hand corner write “pros of BLANK.†Fill in the blank by writing in whatever behavior you are thinking of doing. For example, if you are thinking of fighting with someone who hurt you, write in “hitting.†If you are thinking of quitting therapy, write in “pros of quitting therapy.†At the top of the upper right-hand corner write “cons of BLANK†and fill in the blank with whatever you wrote in the upper left-hand corner (i.e., cons of hitting, cons of quitting therapy). Next, at the top of the lower left-hand corner write “pros of BLANK.†Fill in the blank with the behavior that is the opposite of whatever you are thinking of doing. So, if you are thinking of fighting, write in “pros of not fighting. For the quitting therapy example, write in “pros of staying in therapy.†At the top of the lower right-hand corner right “cons of BLANK†and again fill in the blank with the behavior that is the opposite of the one you are thinking of doing. Listing the Pros and Cons Now that you have your sheet set up, fill in the squares with all the positive consequences (“prosâ€) and negative consequences (“consâ€) that you can think of for each scenario. Feel free to use extra paper if you need it. For example, for “pros of fighting you might write: “Get rid of the emotional pain instantly.†For “pros of not hitting†you might write, “Not getting in trouble at work or school.†Or, for “pros†of quitting therapy you might write: “An extra hour each week to devote to other things.†For “cons†of quitting therapy you might write: “Have to try to find ways to reduce my symptoms on my own.†How to Evaluate the Pros and Cons Once you have completed the form with every consequence you can think of, take a look at it again, and see if anything stands out to you. Any patterns that you notice? Any quadrants that are empty, or full? After completing this exercise, does it change what you want to do? Carefully evaluate the pros and cons, and compare them to what your purpose is. If for instance, your goal is to eventually recover from borderline personality disorder and have a strong relationship, there are steps you need to take to get there. Quitting therapy, while it may free up some time, will make it harder for you to reach your end goal. By looking at both sides of the situation and their repercussions, you can make more appropriate and measured decisions about how to act.
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Jane Eyre Dialectical Journal - 1112 Words
Summer Reading Assignment: Dialectical Journal Jane Eyre by Charlotte Brontà « |NOTE TAKING (QUOTES) |Pg. No. |NOTE MAKING (RESPONSES) | |â€Å"This room was chill, because it seldom had a fire; it has |10 |The red room is significant to Jane, because it admonishes her| |silent, because remote from the nursery and kitchens; solemn | |uncle’s passing. | |entered.†| |Using syntax Brontà « has developed a gothic/dark presence, not | | |†¦show more content†¦The fire has been with her since the| | | |red room and watched over her and later helps her discover her| | | |fortune and self-reliance. Her uncle has been with her and the| | | |reoccurrence of the fire has a meaning of warmth and safety. | | | |Even though she was afraid of the red room the fire made her | | | |feel safe. | | | |Perhaps this metaphor is also a moment of realization for Jane| | | |that she is no longer the pitted girl she was once referred to| | | |as and now she can learn to be strong for herself and gain | | | |self-reliance. As she faces this internal conflict she | | | |realizes her life can goShow MoreRelatedSummer Reading2774 Words  | 12 Pagesclass: Several grades will be given for the summer reading. ïÆ'Ëœ Dialectical response journals for each book (rubric attached). ïÆ'Ëœ Exams on the assigned novels within the first days of school. ïÆ'Ëœ In class essay questions on each of the novels. 9th Grade Regulars and Honors - Reading Assignment: 1. Fiction novel: The Hobbit by J.R.R. Tolkein *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 2. Nonfiction: A Walk Across America by Peter Jenkins *12 Dialectical Journal Entries 10th Grade Regular and Honors - Reading Assignment:
Monday, May 11, 2020
Project Management Is Not For Everyone - 1484 Words
Project management is not for everyone. To thrive in this field, one needs numerous technical and management skills, and a certain amount of experience in the relevant industry. Do I have what it takes to be a successful project manager? The answer seems to be ‘no’. This is because there is a difference between being a project manager and being a successful one. I would rather be in the second bracket. And to achieve that, I need to not only improve my skills, but also develop new ones as I make my way up the ladder. The job of a project manager in simple words is getting people to perform work to fulfill the requirements of a project within a certain time and budget. Therefore, it necessary to have good people skills and I agree with Lewis (2007) that people skills is the biggest attribute a person must have. The reason is purely because without good man management skills, it will be very hard to get everyone moving in the same direction even if one is brilliant at everything else. On the other hand, someone who knows how to deal with people but who does not know everything will always find a way. Either by having someone teaching him or he will merely hand over that particular activity to an expert. Reflecting on the two years that I have been working as a civil engineer, and taking into account the importance of interpersonal skills that a project manager must possess, let’s see how proficient I am in using these skills and how I can improve. There are eleven suchShow MoreRelatedProject Management : A Strategic Value That Gives Companies An Edge On Their Competitors820 Words  | 4 PagesProject management across the organization helps create a strategic value that gives companies an edge on their competitors. Project management matters because it is a way to â€Å"map out†your plans to control spending and improve project results. It may be a way to reduce risks, cut costs and improve success rates. 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Delays were almost always present, quality compromised, customers were choosing their own project managers to ensure their interests, projects were constantly failing, and the president of the company, who was a strong believer of project management, decided that action was needed to achieve excellence in project management. II. Question and response Considering the Management Support elementRead MoreStudent Collective Bargaining Agreement Simulation Essay1223 Words  | 5 Pagessimulation, I was in the Union that was negotiating the terms of the group project. Our group felt that the mandatory items that needed to be negotiated in good faith were the items that all pertained to the details of how the group project was going to be constructed and the guidelines of the group project that our union proposed. Since the group project was seen as a form of compensation it was mandatory we negotiated it with management. 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Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Reflection Paper on a Beautiful Mind Free Essays
A Beautiful Mind is a story based on the life of the famous mathematician John Forbes Nash, Jr. His contributions to mathematics are outstanding. When he was an undergraduate, he proved Brouwer’s fixed point theorem. We will write a custom essay sample on Reflection Paper on a Beautiful Mind or any similar topic only for you Order Now He then broke one of Riemann’s most perplexing mathematical problems and became famous for the Nash Solution. Game Theory from then on, Nash provided breakthrough after breakthrough in mathematics. In 1958 John Forbes Nash was described as being ‘the most promising young mathematician in the world’. John solved problems in mathematics that many mathematicians deemed not solvable. On the threshold of such a promising and outstanding career, he then went on to suffer through three decades of a devastating form of paranoid schizophrenia. He lost his teaching professions and his job. He refused all medical treatment and spent years in and out of delusional states. Remarkably, in 1994 John won the Nobel Prize in Economic Science for his work on Game Theory, he was only 21 when he wrote his paper. The story of John Forbes Nash Jr. is definitely connected with Logic, as he is a mathematician. In his breaking of many perplexing mathematical problems, he used logic. And in producing his famous Game theory, logical systems were used. Among the important properties that logical systems can have: ?Consistency, which means that no theorem of the system contradicts another. ?Validity, which means that the system’s rules of proof will never allow a false inference from true premises. A logical system has the property of soundness when the logical system has the property of validity and only uses premises that prove true (or, in the case of axioms, are true by definition). ?Completeness, which means that if a theorem is true, it can be proven. Soundness, which means that the premises are true and the argument is valid. In one of the scenes in the movie, where Nash was in a bar with friends, the use of logic was very evident. While Nash and his friends all have their eyes on the same Blonde woman, you begin to sense his ‘genius moment’. He surprises his colleagues with the question that if we all want the same woman, nobody wins, if we all go after her friends, nobody wins, and thus there must be a solution to ensure that everyone wins. With that, Nash writes a formula on a napkin, rushes out of the bar and works feverishly on his new theory. The scene shows the art of logic, which examines three acts of the reason: simple apprehension, judgment and reasoning. Simple Apprehension is the grasp of a concept. A concept is also called an idea, a species, an intelligible form, and a mental word. A concept has an extension, which is the group of things included under the concept. A singular concept is the concept of one individual, for example, your concept of President Abraham Lincoln. A universal concept extends to a whole class of things. The more features (or notes) included in a universal concept, the narrower its extension. A transcendental concept is one that applies to anything that exists, for example being, thing, unit, distinct, good, true, beautiful. A concept by itself is not true or false, just as a single word is not true or false. A concept is a sign of a thing, just as a spoken word is a sign of a concept, and through the concept the spoken word is a sign of the thing. A concept is not merely a sensation stored in the mind, but is an immaterial act of understanding. A Judgment is expressed in a complete sentence or proposition. Judgments are either attributive, when we say â€Å"A is B†, where A is a subject and B is a predicate, or existential, as when we say â€Å"A exists†. Affirmation or affirmative judgment is called composition, because we are putting two concepts together. Negation is called division, because we are taking two concepts apart. A judgment is either true or false. Reasoning involves three terms or concepts, and two judgments. The major term is the broadest, the minor term is the narrowest, and the middle term is between the two, included in the meaning of the major term, and including in it the meaning of the minor term. An example is given in the table below (The Structure of a Syllogism). Major PremiseEvery man is mortal. Mortal = major term Minor PremiseKenji is a man. Man = middle term ConclusionKenji is mortal. Kenji = minor term A syllogism is the verbal expression of an act of reasoning. In a syllogism or perfect argumentation, where one thing is given, another thing necessarily follows. Other forms of argumentation give lesser degrees of certainty. A perfect syllogism employes deduction, which is reasoning that starts from general truths, and then applies them in a particular instance. How to cite Reflection Paper on a Beautiful Mind, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
Martin Luther King Essays (4714 words) - Counterculture Of The 1960s
Martin Luther King One of the world's best known advocates of non-violent social change strategies, Martin Luther King Jr. (MLK), synthesized ideals drawn from many different cultural traditions. Recent studies of him emphasize the extent to which his ideals were rooted in African-American religious traditions which were then shaped by his education. The image of a social activist and leader was the result of extensive formal education, strong personal values and licit ethics. This excellence in leadership can be traced to his character which is shaped by his moral values and personality. We look at MLK and these traits to reveal the rationalization of his rise to transracial leadership in our society. Through studying the life and example of Martin Luther King, Jr., we learn that his moral values of integrity, love, truth, fairness, caring, non-violence, achievement and peace were what motivated him. King is not great because he is well known, he is great because he served as the cause of peace and justice for all humans. King is remembered for his humanity, leadership and his love of his fellow man regardless of skin color. This presence of strong moral values developed King's character which enabled him to become one of the most influential leaders of our time. Integrity is a central value in a leader's character and it is through integrity that King had vision of the truth. The truth that one day this nation would live up to the creed, "all men are created equal". No man contributed more to the great progress of blacks during the 1950's and 1960's than Martin Luther King, Jr. He was brought up believing "one man can make a difference", and this is just what he did. Integrity has a large effect on what we think, say and do, it is through King's thoughts and actions that enabled so many people to have trust and faith in him. Through King's integrity he believed that America, the most powerful and richest nation in the world will lead the way to a revolution of values. This revolution will change the way society views itself, shifting from a "thing-orientated" society to a "person-orientated" society. When this occurs, King believed that racism will be capable of being conquered and this nation will be "Free at last." King's unconditional love for all humans was another value that strongly influenced his character and allowed him to have such excellent leadership ability. King described his meaning of love in one of his many speeches, "A Time to Break Silence": " When I speak of love I am not speaking of some sentimental and weak response. I am speaking of that force which all of the great religions have seen as the supreme unifying principle of life. Love is somehow the key that unlocks the door which leads to ultimate reality." King has been considered an extremist which he was not sure how to deal with at first. After careful consideration he believed that if he were to be called an extremist for love, it could only be taken as a compliment and he came to the realization that the world was in dire need for more extremists. King did not want to be remembered after his death by his Nobel Peace Prize or his many other awards, he wanted people to say "...that Martin Luther King, Jr., tried to love somebody...And I want you to say that I tried to love and save humanity". Even when his own life and the life of his family was threatened, King did not react with hatred or violence, he found more strength and courage and told his fellow men, "I want you to love your enemies. Be good to them. Love them and let them know you love them." Therefore, King's love for the human race led him to focus his ministry and speeches in obedience to Jesus Christ, who loved his enemies so fully that he died for them. King's ability to speak the truth is another value that made him such an influential leader. This ability is one reason why King was asked to be the leader of so many important protest marches and sit-ins. His mother was aware of King's ability to speak the truth very early in his life, "He drew people to him from the very first moment by his eloquence, his sincerity, and his moral stature". King's followers believed that he would speak nothing but the truth but in King's famous "Letter from Birmingham Jail", he could only hope that what he had
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Vonage in Trouble with Verizon Communications
Vonage in Trouble with Verizon Communications Free Online Research Papers Vonage Holdings Corporation has been in a lot of trouble as of late. Vonage Holdings Corporation is a company that offers their customers cheap phone calls, by way of the VoIP using the Internet. VoIP stands for Voice over Internet Protocol. It takes a conversation and runs it through an Internet based source, then routes it to the recipient. Vonage promised to provide millions of customers with this service at low cost. Now it is costing Vonage. Verizon Communications’ recent lawsuit against Vonage seems to be taking the largest toll. On April 7, a judge declared that Vonage must cease its services to new customers. This is only if they do not continue to infringe upon Verizon’s patents. In essence, the federal judge has not shut down Vonage for the crime, but still dealing the corporation a heavy blow. Roger Warin, Vonage lawyer, says, Its the difference of cutting off oxygen as opposed to the bullet in the head.†Vonages lawyers argued that Verizons predecessor, Bell Atlantic, always intended to use its patents as a weapon against competitors. Vonage pointed on one occasion to records of meetings from the late 1990s in which Bell Atlantic executives and lawyers said the legal objective for one patent was to define it as broadly as possible so that competitors would be screwed, according to a court transcript. (Ultimately Vonage wasnt found to have infringed that patent.) The judge noted that a lot of us make smart-mouthed remarks from time to time. Most recently, a jury ruled in favor of Verizon on three of the five patents in question, ordering Vonage to pay damages, plus ongoing royalties for any further infringement at a rate of 5.5% of sales. On Friday (April 7, 2007), Judge Hilton rejected Vonages request for a full stay of the ruling, and said the company must lodge an appeal bond of more than $60 million, which would be held in an account pending the outcome. The bond is not affected b y the higher courts stay of Judge Hiltons ruling. Verizon is not the only pain in Vonage’s side. Vonage is strictly a phone service. Its competitors include every phone company that offers land lines, and every mobile carrier. Nowadays, major companies are providing packages to consumers that allow them to receive the internet, cable, and phone service all together. According to In-Stat, a market-research firm, cable companies account for 10.6 million subscribers with Internet phone hook ups (Boles). The problems do not stop here. Big corporations providing phone service have had to charge their customers surcharges thanks to the government. Vonage, not being large or traditional, avoided these government taxes. Then, the government caught on. Now Vonage has to tax just like the big dogs (2006 2). Vonage was once reliable and cheap. It seems as though the service is about to get flipped 180 degrees. Vonage has more problems. Initially, Vonage phone service caught like wildfire. The company then decided to go public via the NYSE. It went public less than a year ago. Since its debut in the NYSE, Vonage’s stock has plummeted by 80%. Vonage and its 2.2 million customers may soon be looking elsewhere. 2.3% of the customers are deactivating service monthly (Boles). The company’s future remains in the balance. Vonage, as it seems, is headed down the dumps. The company exploded with success in the first year it debuted. After about the third year, the government caught on. They began setting regulations and taxing customers. After the government caught on, so did Verizon Communications. Verizon obtains patents that prevent companies like Vonage from providing the services it wants. It makes one wonder how it took three years for Verizon to catch on and file a law suit. Verizon, along with every other phone provider, is prepared to wipe Vonage out of business. As mentioned previously, Vonage’s stock has dropped 80% since going public. This does not reflect the company’s revenue. Rather, it reflects what the everyday investor thinks about Vonage. In other words, investors see Vonage going out of business, and fast. Cable providers realized the business that Vonage was obtaining through Internet phone service. In return, they started to create packages that allow customers to have internet, cable, and phone service from one entity. This cut Vonages customer and profit share in sizeable portions. In conclusion, if the Verizon’s lawsuit does not end up going Vonage’s way, people are going to sell their stock until the stock cannot be sold anymore. Vonage had an amazing product, but failed to obey the necessary laws it takes to run a successful business. Vonage has a good product. Yet, it seems like the best has already come. (2006, June 5). Vonage Facing Trouble: Falling Shares, Possible Lawsuits, and Fierce Competition. Retrieved April 11, 2007 from Web site: associatedcontent.com/article/37273/vonage_facing_trouble_falling_shares.html?page=2 Boles, Corey, Sharma, Amol (2007, April 7). A Blow in Court Adds to Threats Facing Vonage. Retrieved April 11, 2007 from , Web site: http://online.wsj.com/article/SB117587187185562221.html?mod=telecommunications_primary_hs Research Papers on Vonage in Trouble with Verizon CommunicationsNever Been Kicked Out of a Place This NicePETSTEL analysis of IndiaAnalysis of Ebay Expanding into AsiaTwilight of the UAWThe Project Managment Office SystemMarketing of Lifeboy Soap A Unilever ProductUnreasonable Searches and SeizuresCapital PunishmentQuebec and CanadaGenetic Engineering
Wednesday, March 4, 2020
Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Career
Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Career Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Career Kickstart Your Freelance Writing Career By Daniel Scocco Have you ever considered making some money with your writing skills? If you have youll be pleased to know that our Freelance Writing Course is open for enrollment again. Its basically a 6-week program that aims to give you all the information and tools you need to start a freelance writing career online. Here are the six modules youll go through: Maximizing Your Writing Productivity to Multiply Your Profits Website Setup, Promotion and Guest Blogging Writing Content For The Web, A Totally Different Beast Finding Clients and Developing High Paying Jobs Running A Freelance Writing Business Efficiently Using Social Media To Promote Yourself and Land More Writing Jobs On top of that youll get access to a members-only forum, a section with a list of online tools you can use to boost your productivity, an aggregator of online writing jobs from all over the web, and a bunch of bonuses you can download right away. Over 1000 students joined the course in previous editions, and heres what some of them said about it: What you supplied has far exceeded my expectations, both in content and value for money. I congratulate you on a job well done. (Margaret Huggins, Australia) I want to share with you how much I enjoyed and benefited from the Freelance Writing Course. There are two things in particular that made the course beneficial for me. The first one was the private forums and your active participation in them. Second was the fact that I could work through the course materials at my own pace. I should also mention that you guys definitely deliver more than you promise. The bonus materials that you made available are quite valuable.(Shlomo Skinner, Israel) I just wanted to let you know how much I enjoyed the online course. I have been researching content on how to establish a freelance writing career since earlier this year and your course provided information that I just havent been able to find anywhere else. Thanks for taking the time to develop this in a straight-forward and manageable fashion. (Yvonne Smith, United States) If you want to get the details and enroll visit the course page here. Enrollment closes within a week, so dont miss out! Want to improve your English in five minutes a day? Get a subscription and start receiving our writing tips and exercises daily! Keep learning! Browse the General category, check our popular posts, or choose a related post below:Has vs. HadThat vs. WhichLetter Writing 101
Monday, February 17, 2020
Herbicide X Case Study Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words
Herbicide X - Case Study Example The results ultimately proved that the level of concentration is enough to cause cancer to the rats. The same concentration of Herbicide X is being used by farmers to control the weed as this is highly effective. In view of this, Herbicide X poses extreme threat to the humans as it is used in the same dosages as found to have affecting rats. Herbicide X is sprayed in the farms twice, once in the spring and the second time in fall. This means that farmers are exposed to the Herbicide X twice in a year that increases the health risk associated with this pesticide. It is quite scientific to assess the risk of any hazardous chemical first on animals such as monkeys, rats, cows. It is certified and confirmed by several peer-reviewed studies that Herbicide X is toxic in the given dosages and cause deadly disease like cancer. It is quite appropriate to conclude that it indeed poses a threat to the human life too, especially when humans are exposed twice in a year with the same level of concentration that affected rats. Moreover, it has also been found that Herbicide X remains in the environment for at least 3 months before it disintegrates into harmless substances; it is slow in biodegradation and not eco
Monday, February 3, 2020
Contemporary Issues in Community Corrections Research Paper
Contemporary Issues in Community Corrections - Research Paper Example This means that the main objective of corrections should just not to operate secure, orderly, protected and affordable prisons, but also to enhance public safety by ensuring that is an efficient inmate transition (Parent, & Barnett, 2002). Research conducted over the years has shown that prisons and community corrections are intricately linked to a point where a change in one affects the other. In nearly all the cases, arrests lead to jail time, convictions lead to initial trial, and depending on the severity of the crime, the offender is released to the community and if the community correction fails, the offender goes to prison. In reality, a very small minority comes into contact with criminal justice interventions meaning most of them go through community correction. It is therefore ideal to ensure that the right correctional method is administered to ensure that the community correction does not fail (Parent, & Barnett, 2002). Prison administrators are without doubt instrumental that prisons operate smoothly and in preparing the inmates for safe release. These two goals are related in an empirical manner in that any poor institutional behavior is tied to the higher rates of post-release crimes. Over the years, research has shown that the most effective method of ensuring that prisoners have good conduct is by setting up efficient correctional programs. In this case, for correctional facilities to be secure and safe, prison administrators ought to certify that the correctional platforms that they develop are based on evidence based practice (McGuire, 2005). For prisons, the concentration on short-term operational goals is logical but in most cases this can effortlessly diminish the available economic and human resources. In most cases, such concentration leaves minimal resources for the agencies to fulfill its commitment on the wider objectives of effective corrections as well as public safety.
Sunday, January 26, 2020
What Is The E Commerce Information Technology Essay
What Is The E Commerce Information Technology Essay What is the E-commerce. For todays society, the E-commerce is plays an important role in the world. That also call Electronic commerce, it is a term for any type of business and also involves digitally enabled commercial transaction, which involves the transfer of information across the internet. Commercial transactions are also involving the exchange of value across organizational or individual boundaries in return for service or product. E-commerce simple explanation is some company; wholesalers and suppliers are through auction and based retail sites to do business exchanges trading goods and another service between those business companies. Now many countries using E-commerce to commercial transactions involving an exchange of value across organizational boundaries for their own business to another country. Those have seven unique features of E-commerce technology and significance on some retail sites for attract more customers, increase their business and also allowing customers around the world to facilitate free trade for all. These types of E-commerce are different trading on business. From now the E-commerce are allows consumers to easily electronically exchange goods and goods with no barriers of distance of time. In the near future the E-commerce has rapidly expanding and more businesses are move sections of their operations onto the internet. So the E-commerce is currently one of most important aspects of the internet. 3.0 Answer of Question 1 The computer network in the developed world now, many people like to use e-commerce website for shopping, Company derives revenue by selling goods, information, or services to customers. For example website has ebay.com, amazon.com, mudah.my and so on. These web pages are e-commerce website; this is because the ease of placing an order online has brought the buying public to the internet sales for customer convenience. The e-commerce website which has all kinds of goods; the goods include smart phone, watch, education book, musical instruments and so on. Each e-commerce website has the own seven unique features of e-commerce technology. I will choose www.amazon.com e-commerce website assess it in terms of seven unique features. www.amazon.com 3.1.1 Ubiquity The amazon.com e-commerce website first unique feature is ubiquity, it is so important unique features for those user and costumer, and this is because the marketplace is created or extended beyond traditional boundaries and removed geographic location. It is so easy for customers online shopping as long as they can online in another place or any time and makes it for customer convenience enhanced. This features is so amazing because internet technology is available everywhere and any time for customers online shopping, this features make it be convenience and save time to go to a particular store to buy a goods, as long as have the internet online for buy the goods. 3.1.2 Global Reach The amazon.com e-commerce website second unique feature is global reach. The e-commerce technology allows commercial transactions to national boundaries and cross cultural far more conveniently and effectively as compared to traditional commerce. For now technology is reaches beyond national boundaries to every country and the e-commerce is enabled across cultural national boundaries seamlessly and without modification, if we have an e-commerce global reach on the world, the marketplace must be include potentially billions of consumers or the millions of business. This feature can concentrate the e-commerce on the world marketplace and easy to increase the website online sales and promote the national goods to another country. 3.1.3 Universal standards The amazon.com e-commerce website third unique feature is universal standards. The universal standards feature is stands shared by the world. It gives us all the connections on the same level capability, which provides network externalities, will benefit for all. There is one set of technology standard and namely internet standards. The universal standards significance is reduce the product search cost and by creating a single, one world market place and where price discovery become simpler, faster and more accurate. Because the lower market entry costs so its easy to attract customers and searching their goods to get a nice offer. It also can easily find all the suppliers and prices, many stores will also called all their other stores or get it from their site shipped to the store, so customers dont have to go anywhere. And the last is delivery terms of a specific the product to anywhere in the world, delivery is very convenient thing, you do not have to personally go to the store g et yours goods, as long as you are willing to pay for transportation costs, it can be deliver it to your home. 3.1.4 Richness The amazon.com e-commerce website fourth unique features is provides information richness, for now e-commerce technology have to change the traditional trade of between Richness and the reach for example, the e-commerce website design have the text messages, audio and images for change the traditional trade and get more powerful selling environment. The internet and web can deliver to an audience of millions richness marketing message in a way not possible with traditional technologies like radio, TV and magazines. 3.1.5 Interactivity The amazon.com e-commerce website fifth unique feature is interactivity, it means is the technology that allows two way communications between merchant and consume. The technology software for example Skype and MSN also can allow two way communications similar to face-to-face experience but only on a massive global scale. The consumers are engaged in a dialogue that dynamically adjusts the experience to the individual, and make the consumer a co-participant in the process of delivering goods to the market. E-commerce interaction is much better, because companies can interact with a much larger scale. E-commerce can be more easily and efficiently from the collection of the information consumers with surveys and forms. 3.1.6 Information Density The amazon.com e-commerce website sixth unique feature is increase information density, which is given the amount and quality of information available to all market participants. In the e-commerce website is need to give more information for that goods for example is information processing, storage and communication cost drop dramatically while accuracy and time lines improve greatly. The goods of information should become more plentiful, accurate and cheap for customers more attractive and interesting to the goods. 3.1.7 Personalization The amazon.com e-commerce website last unique feature is personalization; it is technology allows the personalized messages to be delivered to individuals as well as group. This is represent follow some customers purchase record or the website member to send some e-mail about the e-commerce website new product and some about the product information or give the new offer to customers. Personalization of marketing messages and customization of products and services are based on individual characteristics. 3.2 The unique features implement well and poorly features The www.amazon.com e-commerce website unique features in implement well is Information Density features, this is because this e-commerce website have very detailed about the products information. For example the smart phone or digital cameras those products have the screen, audio, battery and highest quality of information, this feature can let you more easy to know his technical performance, appearance, special features, advantages and disadvantages. Â This information of product can affect customers attraction for the product and confidence in the product. However the more poorly feature is universal standards, the www.amazon.com e-commerce website no part of lower market entry costs to search their product to get the nice offer, if wan find out the lower market need to search one by one on website. 4.0 Conclusion of Question 1 In my opinion, the www.amazon.com is a very useful and amazing e-commerce website. According to my investigation in many countries are using the www.amazon.com by e-commerce online to pre-order and buy their product, include country have Brazil, Canada, China, Germany, Japan and so on. But still have the most poorly feature need to improvement, in my suggestion the part of universal standards feature. The website should improvement the new development on lower market entry costs for customer, it can let customer easier to search the lower cost products and get the offer. After the improvement, in future is likely to be able to become the most successful e-commerce website. If we lose the e-commerce website it will cause us purchase the product very inconvenient and purchase hinder. The e-commerce website is act a very important role now; we should make good use of this e-commerce website. 5.0 Introduction of Question 2 On now the society, most of the people because of their busy work reasons and lead to them no any idle time to go shopping center or some shop for purchase all their need. Therefore they only can use online purchase their products on e-commerce website for daily necessities. Online daily necessities stores are also increasing in popularity, and will continue to increase as the internet grows. Online shopping can let us convenient to buy and easier to get the information of the products, so that is very important for us. Whatever buy the product through online include have the pros and cons of online purchase. At last I will explain all the advantages and disadvantages of online purchase. 6.0 Answer of question 2 6.1 The products I choose to purchase though online and reason I had bought two products through online e-commerce website, thats a laptop and the limited addition wristwatch. The first I choose to buy product is the laptop, this is because the laptop brand is the Alienware M17x laptop. This brand Alienware M17x laptop was no stock of sold on Malaysia and those brands only sold at some country like the Australia, the United States and Japan. However only have one way to get this laptop, which was through the online purchase to get it. My second choose is the limited addition wristwatch, because that wristwatch is the limited addition and the form and function of wristwatch was ideal. But the wristwatch only sold at Kuala Lumpur and it is so many customers snapped up. I choose this product through online purchase because I was not living in Kuala Lumpur and I need to pre-order at early on their website to get the wristwatch. 6.2 The advantages of online purchase The first advantage of online purchase is easily to choose the best products. We can get the products easily only by sitting in front of my computer with the few buttons to click and looking for the best website to sell the product. Therefore we without moving around on shopping centre store for this also can without driving around on round, wasting gas and the most important is save more time. The second advantage of online purchase is the opportunity to choose the product. We can choose many website and search many types of products as we want, at these website there have to show information of product for example the function and warranty of the product, these way does let u more understand to every product. We also can check youre the price of product to compare with every website to choose most reasonable price. The third advantage of online purchase is the easily done payment. We can easily using our credit card to done the payment for the online purchase at home, and another w ay is just go someplace of bank ATM machine to bank in for those website bank account for the payment. The last advantage of online purchase is available all the time to order your products on that website, whatever anytime and anyplace we also can purchase the item and delivery to your home. Sometime have the limited products haven release to market sell and then we can pre-order at website on early. 6.3 The disadvantages of online purchase The first disadvantages of online purchase is need a long periods of time to receive your products and the postage. We usually need to wait a long periods of time because sometime is post office could be delay on the delivery problem and this can even take up to a month or longer if being shipped from overseas. The sipping cost also the serious problem, this is because we should pay the expensive postage for delivery, and especially products delivery from overseas to our country, this sipping cost will be extremely high in comparison on your product. The second disadvantage of online purchase is we are sometimes too confused of looking for the most reliable online shop that sells the product. Because have some e-commerce website is imposture for sell their imposture products or defrauding our money, sometime you view the product image on the website is a beautiful and intact product, but when u thought online purchase and receive the product, it will be different quality or shoddy ve rsion. The last disadvantages of online purchase is fraud your money or credit card, when you bought products through online and make a payment to order the product have a chance to let them fraud. 7.0 Conclusion of Question 2 In my conclusion, I suggest to use the online purchase as well as be careful. Because the online purchase can give us a lot advantages on shopping, it was save time and cost for today social. However it still has the disadvantages of online purchase, so we must prevent and be careful to observe the website is honesty or fraud. The online purchase is great and it bring a lot of convenience for human, my only advice is be safe, be smart and make sure youre buying from a reputable website. Do your research just like you would any other store.
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Why I Want a Wife – Introduction
Why I Want a Wife – Introduction 2/This article was written in 1972. Does it still describe the role of most ‘wives' today? If so, why has nothing changed? If not, how have things changed? In 1972, it was believed that a ‘good’ wife was a married woman who completed and satisfied all needs involving her housework, children and most importantly, her husband. A good wife was normally a house wife.Now, fast forward to 2012 forty years to the present – the general customs and expectations still stand, but many wives nowadays have lives, essentially. Back in the 70’s, most married women were housewives. Many wives stayed home to care for their housework, children, and husband. Their duties revolved around those three ideas. But as time passed, traditions have changed. Most women have jobs and hardly considered housewives. Sure, they will tend to their kids and spouse but many of them now have lives.Instead of being of the housework being a priority, the real work replaces it. Another weighing factor would be women’s rights. Instead of the husband viewed as the main bread maker, some wives have stepped up to plate with a higher salary. Back then, the male worked and the wife stayed home, therefore the male would earn the income. The last contributing factor to the change in modern day wife roles is the later marriage. People are marrying later leading to having children at an older age.By this point, the females would have had time to peak at their jobs and remain a steady pace when the child is brought into the world. Not as many sacrifices has to be made for the child oppose to giving birth at a younger age. Even though the role of wives has come a long way since the early 70’s, the general outline still remains: care for the husband and kids and to maintain the house. And though many adjustments have been made the credentials in order to become a good wife is still near, impossible to reach. Related article: â€Å"My Ideal Wifeâ€
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Unanswered Concerns on Free Essay Samples Online
Unanswered Concerns on Free Essay Samples Online The Key to Successful Free Essay Samples Online They are high-quality samples, and you may print them free of charge. If you discover that the writer did not provide just what you expected, request a revision, and we'll make the corrections. The important feature is the fact that it's extra totally free chips and credits added to the starting balance at no cost. 1 use paper within two days. We would like our customers to be satisfied without needing to spend a hefty budget for it. The writers in our service are trying their very best to make sure the client is totally pleased with the work delivered to them. Contrary to other companies, we're safe and skillful group of writers that are deeply concerned in regards to the academic writing tasks. Microsoft has done a really wonderful job this moment, particularly for the teachers and students. There are lots of reasons why a soldier should adhere to every one of the orders they're given because each one of them is important in any circumstance. You might also get in touch with your writer to supply some added recommendations or request information regarding the order's progress. This is done so you've got more time to unwind and play without the load of worrying about your final choice. What's the sole remedy is to be linked to their requirements. Also, the majority of people respond more quickly to humorous writing, particularly if you succeed in getting them to understand the point you're trying to make. As a consequence, it can be advisable to examine the nationality of the writers of any samples which you can find. Even people who have a wife and kids can suddenly fall in love with a different woman or vice versa. Many students all over the world struggle on account of the schedules and, thus, attempting to strike the ideal balance between their schoolwork and part-time jobs. Many websites and services which store and make essays for students will likely have forums where they provide completely free essay samples or links to sites based on the kind of essay the student requirements. To make certain that the work is of a quality that you need, along with minimising any risks associated plagiarism, it is sometimes a good notion to cover prewritten or even bespoke samples, because they are more inclined to come from pr ofessional writers, and could be less accessible to plagiarism checkers, especially if you get a bespoke essay prepared. There are a lot of college essay examples readily available on the internet for students' assistance. To give an example, they might find it very helpful while working on a college essay as they can have their web searches, an online checker as well as some essay examples open at the same time. Include the type of essay you require, your academic level, citation style, and, if at all possible, several keywords associated with your topic. While writing an essay for an english class may appear overwhelming it does not need to be. If you would like to secure better idea about what the peculiarities of writing inside this subject field are, feel free to seek advice from our Formal sciences section. It's surprising how quickly comp points can accumulate! Nowadays it is quite hard to locate a trustworthy essay writing service. The most frequently encountered paper writing service that the vast majority of our clients require is essay writing. Our service, for example, has a good group of writers composed of well-versed and skilled writers who have specialized in several fields of writing to help students in comprehending different aspects of writing. There are myriad on-line services that one may easily find completely free papers like term papers, professionally written dissertations or school essays. It is possible to also find different discounts on our site which will help you to save some more money for future orders or anything you want to spend them on. For these reasons, ordering from our service is the most dependable and effective way for the one to receive an absolutely free essay sample done in a short moment. Provided are some advice and secrets to finding those samples. We offer flexible system of discounts, but in addition our discount policy that permits you to conserve money on ordering essays at one time. After finding the very best topic to write about, the author should find a way to evidentially support their ideas by utilizing the essential word count. This means that if a client places an order, a skilled writer is assigned the purchase and completes it on time and as stated by the customer's instructions. Humor also helps people understand the point you're trying to earn far more easily. Research thoroughly on the subject that you're likely to write on.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
Fluid vs. Crystallized Intelligence Whats the Difference
The theory of fluid and crystallized intelligence proposes that there are two distinct kinds of intelligence. Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason and solve problems in unique and novel situations, while crystallized intelligence refers to the ability to use knowledge acquired through past learning or experience. The theory was first proposed by psychologist Raymond B. Cattell and developed further with John Horn. Fluid vs. Crystallized Intelligence The theory contends that there are two distinct types of intelligence. It challenges, and extends, the concept of g, or generalized intelligence factor.Fluid intelligence is the ability to use logic and solve problems in new or novel situations without reference to pre-existing knowledge.Crystallized intelligence is the ability to use knowledge that was previously acquired through education and experience.Fluid intelligence declines with age, while crystallized intelligence is maintained or improved. Origin of the Theory The theory of fluid intelligence challenges the idea of generalized intelligence factor (known as g), which contends that intelligence is a single construct. Instead, Cattell contended that there are two independent intelligence factors: â€Å"fluid†or gf intelligence, and crystallized†or gc intelligence. As he explained in his 1987 book Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth, and Action, Cattell referred to the ability to reason as fluid intelligence because it â€Å"has the ‘fluid quality of being directable to almost any problem.†He referred to knowledge acquisition as crystalized intelligence because it â€Å"is invested in the particular areas of crystallized skills which can be upset individually without affecting the others.†Fluid Intelligence Fluid intelligence refers to the ability to reason, analyze, and solve problems. When we use fluid intelligence, we aren’t relying on any pre-existing knowledge. Instead, we are using logic, pattern recognition, and abstract thinking to solve new problems. We use fluid intelligence when we encounter novel, often nonverbal tasks, such as math problems and puzzles. Fluid intelligence also plays a role in the creative process, as when someone picks up a paintbrush or starts plucking on a piano with no prior training. Fluid intelligence is rooted in physiological functioning. As a result, these abilities start to decline as people age, sometimes starting as early as their 20s. Crystallized Intelligence Crystallized intelligence refers to the knowledge you acquire through experience and education. When you use crystallized intelligence, you reference your pre-existing knowledge: facts, skills, and information you learned in school or from past experience. You utilize crystallized intelligence when you encounter tasks that require the use of previously acquired knowledge, including verbal tests in subjects like reading comprehension or grammar. Given its reliance on the accumulation of knowledge, crystallized intelligence is typically maintained or even increased throughout ones lifetime. How the Intelligence Types Work Together Although fluid and crystallized intelligence represent two distinct sets of abilities, they can and often do work together. For example, when cooking a meal, you use crystallized intelligence to understand and follow the instructions in a recipe, and use fluid intelligence when modifying spices and other ingredients to suit your tastes or dietary requirements. Similarly, when taking a math test, the formulas and math knowledge (like the meaning of a plus sign) comes from crystallized intelligence. The ability to develop a strategy to complete a complicated problem, on the other hand, is the product of fluid intelligence. Fluid intelligence is often used when learning new things. When you encounter a new subject, you use your fluid intelligence to understand the material through logical and analysis. Once you understand the material, the information will be incorporated into your long-term memory, where it can develop into crystallized knowledge. Can Fluid Intelligence Be Improved? While crystalized intelligence improves or remains stable with age, fluid intelligence is known to decline fairly rapidly after adolescence. Several studies have investigated whether it is possible to improve fluid intelligence. In 2008, psychologist Susanne M. Jaeggi and her colleagues conducted experiments in which four groups of young, healthy participants performed a highly demanding working memory (short-term memory) task every day. The groups performed the task for 8, 12, 17, or 19 days respectively. The researchers found that participants’ fluid intelligence improved following the training, and that the more training participants underwent, the more their fluid intelligence improved. Their study concluded that fluid intelligence can, in fact, improve through training. Another study using a similar protocol backed up Jaeggi’s results, but subsequent studies have not replicated the findings, so the results of Jaeggi’s study are still considered controversial. Sources Cattell, Raymond B. Intelligence: Its Structure, Growth, and Action. Elsevier Science Publishers, 1987.Cherry, Kendra. â€Å"Fluid Intelligence vs. Crystallized Intelligence†Verywell Mind, 2018. https://www.verywellmind.com/fluid-intelligence-vs-crystallized-intelligence-2795004Chooi, Weng-Tink, and Lee A. Thompson. â€Å"Working Memory Training Does Not Improve Intelligence in Healthy Young Adults.†Intelligence, vol. 40, no. 6, 2012, pp. 531-542. Dixon, Roger A., et al. â€Å"Cognitive Development in Adulthood and Aging.†Handbook of Psychology, vol. 6: Developmental Psychology, edited by Richard M. Lerner, et al., John Wiley Sons, Inc., 2013.Jaeggi, Susanne M., et al. â€Å"Improving Fluid Intelligence with Training on Working Memory.†Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, vol. 105, no. 19, 2008, pp.6829-6833, Qiu, Feiyue, et al. â€Å"Study on Improving Fluid Intelligence Through Cognitive Training System Based on Gabor Stimulus.†Proceedings of the 2009 First IEEE International Conference on Information Science and Engineering, IEEE Computer Society, Washington, DC, 2009. https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/document/5454984/Redick, Thomas S., et al. â€Å"No Evidence of Intelligence Improvement After Working Memory Training: A Randomized, Placebo-Controlled Study.†Journal of Experimental Psychology: General, vol. 142, no. 2, 2013, pp. 359-379, http://psycnet.apa.org/doiLanding?doi10.1037%2Fa0029082
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