Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Civil War Was A Terrible Time For America - 1490 Words
Lindsey White Battle Analysis: Gettysburg CPT Herkimer MS3 As the deadliest conflict in American history, the United States Civil war was a terrible time for America. While it did produce great advancements in American military tactics, technologies, and medical knowledge and technology, it came at the cost of hundreds of thousands of American lives. With brother killing brother, the war was filled with terrible battles, but not many could say they as influential or deadly as Gettysburg. From July 1st to July 3rd of 1863, America witnessed one the bloodiest battles in American history. America was in the middle of its civil war, and General Robert E. Lee of the Confederate forces led his Army of Northern Virginia into the†¦show more content†¦On the morning of July 1st, two Confederate reconnaissance brigades were sent out to discover the movement of the opposing army. They would come across quickly laid out Union defenses on three different ridges north and west of the town. These opposing forces would begin to skirmish. The Union forces were an inferior cavalry division trying to hold out long enough for Union infantry to reinforce these barricades northwest of town as well as create time to secure strategic hills and sounder defensive positions south of the town. More and more divisions entered the fight, causing the initially small, insignificant skirmish to grow. The Union forces were greatly outnumbered by the Confederate forces as thirty thousa nd Confederate troops would eventually flank the eighteen Union troops north of Gettysburg and cause them to retreat back through town to their southern positions. The remaining hours of day one would consist of both armies moving the rest of their troops to the front line and prepare for the coming conflict. The second and deadliest day of the battle took place on July 2nd. The Union forces had set up their defenses on Cemetery Hill south of town, Cemetery Ridge extending further south from Cemetery Hill, and Culp’s Hill southeast of town directly east of Cemetery hill. This defensive Union
Monday, December 16, 2019
Mapping Compensation Free Essays
Wall-Mart has a lot of these things in common with Microsoft, although Wall-Mart tries to soften the low at times by cushioning their employment strategy with a discount card or special privileges. Most of the employees at Wall-Mart start at around $8. 80 an hour, but that is just the base pay. We will write a custom essay sample on Mapping Compensation or any similar topic only for you Order Now If an employee does well within the company, over time, Wall-Mart will steadily increase the employee’s paycheck, depending on his or her performance of their duties that year. That is where the performance-based pay that is similar to Microsoft’s strategy comes into play. If an employee does well, he or she will get a raise. If not, then the raise will not happen. A lot of people who try to work at places like Wall-Mart expect instant gratification for their accomplishments, but they will not receive it. An employee must work hard to earn the raise given to him or her at their time of the year. In Figure 2. 8 in the text, Microsoft and AS are compared and contrasted in a compensation map. On Microsoft’s side, there seems to be a very low focus on work/life balance, and the same can be said for Wall-Mart. If an employee accepts a shift at Wall- Mart, he or she had better show up, or risk being fired. Wall-Mart is very strict in this area and does not accept a lot of excuses as far as frequent â€Å"family emergencies†or problems. From personal experience, if there is a death in the immediate family, Wall-Mart will ask for a copy of the death certificate as proof that the employee is not lying. This is a bit disturbing and could be considered offensive to some. Another mapping point from Figure 2. 8 is that Microsoft puts heavy emphasis on hierarchy. Wall-Mart and Microsoft share this part of their strategy. Wall-Mart believes that the basic employees receive Asia pay, while the managers and those on salary receive higher pay. However, there is a â€Å"price†to being on salary versus being an hourly employee. As an hourly employee, the shift is worked within the hours specified, and the job is done. There are no established hours for salaried managers at Wall-Mart. Some have even worked 80 hour weeks in the busy season just to try to keep up with customer satisfaction. One thing that does differ between the two compensation strategies is that Microsoft puts a medium importance to sharing group success, while Wall-Marts strategy is more about the individual. There are really no â€Å"groups†per SE within Wall- Mart’s hierarchy, just groups of employees who perform the same job. There is no focus on group success, or group incentives. There are the occasional pep talks in which the managers try to get their employees motivated, but really, the employees would rather be working than sitting in a meeting. It seems that Microsoft values group success, but it also values the individual as well, offering incentives for jobs performed. These companies seem very different from the outside, but when an inside look is taken, there are more molarities than can be seen from the outside. How to cite Mapping Compensation, Papers
Sunday, December 8, 2019
According to Geldard Essay Example For Students
According to Geldard Essay Depressive syndrome and major depressive disorder, however, both tend to include frequent thoughts about death and/or suicide, suicide plans, or suicidal acts (Achenbach, 1991). According to Geldard Geldard (1999), adolescents who attempt suicide share some common characteristics. They tend to have very intense interpersonal relationships with only a few people, and to express their feelings by acting out rather than by communicating them verbally. It is also likely that they have an external locus of control regarding their situation, and that they express high levels of hopelessness, thinking that things are unlikely to ever improve. This is also suggested by research that has shown that the cognitive characteristic of hopelessness is the single best predictor of eventual suicide (Freeman Dattilio, 1992). Additionally, adolescents who are more likely to commit suicide are inclined to overreact to things, and can be hypersensitive. Dacey Kenny (1997) also point out that adolescents who attempt and complete suicide frequently have more stressful lives, less coping strategies and poor school performance. Suicide can be related to any number of problems that that person is experiencing at that time in their life, but specific problems that are often experienced by adolescents who attempt or commit suicide or self-harm are family problems, especially those which threaten the stability of the family, such as parental separation; a serious lack of communication between the adolescent and their parents or care givers; problems within peer relationships; not belonging to a group or having any friends; and what they perceive to be a failure to live up to expectation of others, such as parents (Geldard Geldard, 1999). Hawton et al. (1982) reported that over four fifths of adolescents who had attempted suicide reported being unable to discuss their problems with their parents. Bhugra et al. s (2002) findings also support Geldard Geldards comments. They found, in their study of Asian and white adolescents who had self-harmed over a three year period, that one of the major risk factors for the adolescents in this study was an unfavourable family environment, including issues such as parental separation, especially in the white groups. Abuse of alcohol by a parent or sibling was another risk factor, and physical or sexual abuse at home another precipitating factor of self-harm. These problems seemed to be exacerbated by trouble with peers and problems at school, with over half of the whites and one third of the Asians reporting it. The problems at school varied, from academic problems to bullying, but whatever kind of problem it was, was a large precipitating factor. It is not surprising then, if adolescents are experiencing problems at home as well as problems at school, that they need time out. Taking an overdose was reported by the participants in the study as a way of getting time out from all these pressures, even if it was only for a short time (Bhugra et al. , 2002). Only two of the ninety-nine cases in Bhugra et al. s study, however, mentioned racial harassment as a triggering factor, so it would appear in this case that racism is not a major issue. This contradicts results of former studies that have implied racial issues can be a risk factor. When examining the prevalence of suicide among differing ethnic groups, the findings are apparently contradictory. MIND (1995) published statistics that suggest suicide rates are much higher among ethnic minority groups, stating for example, that immigrant status increases the risk of suicide and attempted suicide, and that Asian females have a suicidal rate three times higher for the 15-24 year age group than the national average. However, Bhugra et al. (2002), in the study cited above, found that Asian adolescents are no more likely to take overdoses. This implies that figures may have changed over the last few years. .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .postImageUrl , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .centered-text-area { min-height: 80px; position: relative; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:hover , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:visited , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:active { border:0!important; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .clearfix:after { content: ""; display: table; clear: both; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce { display: block; transition: background-color 250ms; webkit-transition: background-color 250ms; width: 100%; opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #95A5A6; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:active , .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:hover { opacity: 1; transition: opacity 250ms; webkit-transition: opacity 250ms; background-color: #2C3E50; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .centered-text-area { width: 100%; position: relative ; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .ctaText { border-bottom: 0 solid #fff; color: #2980B9; font-size: 16px; font-weight: bold; margin: 0; padding: 0; text-decoration: underline; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .postTitle { color: #FFFFFF; font-size: 16px; font-weight: 600; margin: 0; padding: 0; width: 100%; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .ctaButton { background-color: #7F8C8D!important; color: #2980B9; border: none; border-radius: 3px; box-shadow: none; font-size: 14px; font-weight: bold; line-height: 26px; moz-border-radius: 3px; text-align: center; text-decoration: none; text-shadow: none; width: 80px; min-height: 80px; background: url(https://artscolumbia.org/wp-content/plugins/intelly-related-posts/assets/images/simple-arrow.png)no-repeat; position: absolute; right: 0; top: 0; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:hover .ctaButton { background-color: #34495E!important; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .centered-text { display: table; height: 80px; padding-left : 18px; top: 0; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce-content { display: table-cell; margin: 0; padding: 0; padding-right: 108px; position: relative; vertical-align: middle; width: 100%; } .u2ac60f76968f809c4b92df8ac176f0ce:after { content: ""; display: block; clear: both; } READ: Surrogate Mothering EssayObviously, there are bound to be discrepancies between different studies, and Bhugra et al. s study did have a relatively small participant sample, and was based purely on case notes. It would be interesting to see the results of a similar study carried out with a larger sample size, and using a more qualitative approach, to try and understand the reasons for the differences between ethnic groups, if any are found at all. This could lead to important discoveries regarding risk factors and triggers for suicide and self-harm within different cultural settings in todays society. The rate of suicide attempts in adolescents is also increased in those who have been abused during childhood, another risk factor identified in Bhugra et al. s research. Adolescents who have been physically abused can experience feelings of powerlessness and helplessness (Kaplan et al. , 1997), and are therefore more at risk of developing other risk factors associated with suicide, such as depression, substance abuse and disruptive behaviour. Sexual abuse during childhood and adolescence has also been documented as contributing to suicidal gestures and attempts (VanderMay Meff, 1982; Bagley et al., 1997). Boys who are sexually abused have significantly more behavioural and emotional problems, including suicidal thoughts and behaviour, than do girls, according to research by Garnefski Diekstra (1996). Another risk factor associated with adolescent suicide is the loss of a loved one. This risk is increased when that person committed suicide themselves, and it has been noticed that bereavement after suicide is more complicated when compared to that of losing someone through natural causes, as there can be more guilt involved (Peters Weller, 1994). For these reasons, counsellors need to be aware of the nature of the loss suffered by their client. Bhugra et al. (2002) also found a marked increase in the prevalence of suicide in adolescents over the age of 14, highlighting the impact of puberty, and also suggesting that this is the age where individuation begins, causing further stresses at home. The favoured method for the adolescents involved in this study was overdosing on paracetamol, which has preventative implications. If access to drugs is restricted, then the rate of impulsive suicides may be reduced. When working with adolescents who may be at risk of self-harm or suicide, special attention needs to be paid to this subject in the confidentiality contract, discussed and signed at the beginning of therapy. The counsellor needs to explain to their client that in the event of them disclosing plans of suicide, then other people, such as the clients GP or a professional emergency team, will need to be informed. It is best, however, whilst always taking into account legal, ethical and professional requirements, to try and give the client as much control over the disclosure of their intentions as possible (Geldard Geldard, 1999).
Saturday, November 30, 2019
The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou Essay Example
The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou Essay The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou is a novel that drew you into a world of strict routine, constant pressure, and physical stamina. Abdou shows you the lifestyle of two elite athletes sacrificing their way to the top of the podium at the 2000 Sydney Olympic Games. She displays the rise and fall of swimmer, Sadie Jorgensen and wrestler Tom â€Å"Digger†Stapleton in there hometown of Calgary, Canada. This tale of these two protagonists alternates until their paths cross, changing their destinies. This novel was well written, along with it being easy to read and comprehend. I enjoyed how it switched between the characters two individual lives and their journey proving that these athletes just eat, sleep, and do their sport. Abdou’s characters both endure physical, psychological, and emotional sacrifices that I believe make or break an athlete and she portrayed that very well. An athletes motto is â€Å"The road to glory’s paved with sweat. No pain, no gain. 1% inspirat ion, 99% perspiration. Just do it.†(10). Sadie mentioned after discussing her reasoning due to her suffer. Next, she also did an excellent job at showing how it is hard work to play sports at that level, and just how much time and dedication it takes to succeed. Furthermore, Sadie was an english major in university, this improved the dialogue and vocabulary. The key conflict in this novel was that after Sadie and Digger met half way through the book and began a life together. There relationship began sweetly but naively- a naivety about life and sport that is shattered for both of them when Sadie’s chances for competing in the Olympics are put on hold from a head-on collision on there way to there vacation. Sadie gets seriously injured and struggles to overcome the trauma of her injury which may end her athletic career as a swimmer. Of course, in this story clarity is only found after tragedy, what was really important is that you have to pick up that old bone cage and to We will write a custom essay sample on The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou specifically for you for only $16.38 $13.9/page Order now We will write a custom essay sample on The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer We will write a custom essay sample on The Bone Cage by Angie Abdou specifically for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Hire Writer
Tuesday, November 26, 2019
How to Write a PhD Personal Statement
How to Write a PhD Personal Statement How to Write a PhD Personal Statement A person might be required to write a personal statement when he or she is completing a PhD application. Professionals in this area have specific guides that need to be followed when completing the application process. The reader is supposed to understand what type of PhD program is being sought and the reasons behind the student’s preference to study in the proposed university. The reader must understand clearly what is of most interest to the customer in the specific field of study. A good PhD personal statement should have all of these details, and the writer should be able to provide a background of their earlier academic credentials and empirical experience which may highlight his or her interest in the specific area of study. When applying for a PhD, experience and prior knowledge is very important to help convince the board that one actually qualifies for the program. This is the highest level of study and hence professionalism and integrity applies at all times. As such, the skills and experience acquired by the applicant are vital in the process of transition from the undergraduate program to the postgraduate program. This also guarantees the level of success in the area of study. One may not want to apply the same statement to every application, and instead make each application unique based on the area of interest and the person who will be reading it. In addition, it is of great use to a writer if they conduct thorough research on the University that offers the program that they are applying to. Grammar and type of vocabulary used must be well thought out. Very long sentences with repetition should be avoided at all cost. The sentences should be short and precise and the tone of the statement should be positive and enthusiastic. The word limit should also be adhered to. The statement should be structured with an introduction, main body and a conclusion. The purpose of the introduction is to captivate the reader and make them interested in reading the statement to the end. The reasons for choosing that particular institute of learning must be explained and the individual’s strength and personal skills should also be highlighted. The ability to communicate effectively and work as part of a team should be brought out by the writer. What’s more, the relevance of the undergraduate program to the PhD study should be described to demonstrate the foundation which was laid for further research and study. The career aim should be exemplified to demonstrate the intended c ontribution to society. One must try to make their statement unique; it must stand out among the rest. Professional personal statement help at is provided by academic experts. They can write a custom personal statement paper starting at $13/page. High quality and on-time delivery guarantee!
Friday, November 22, 2019
Equites, the Roman Knights
Equites, the Roman Knights Equites were Roman horsemen or knights. The name is derived from the Latin for the horse, equus. The equites came to be a social class and a single member of the equestrian class was called an eques. Originally, there were supposed to have been 300 equites during the time of Romulus. 100 were taken from each of the three tribes Ramnes, Tities, and Luceres. Each of these patrician hundreds was a century (centuria) and each century was named for its tribe. They were called celeres. Under Tullus Hostilius there were six centuries. By the time of Servius Tullius, there were 18 centuries, the last twelve drawn from the richest, but not necessarily patrician, men. The Equites and the Roman Army The equites were originally an important division of the Roman army, but over time, they lost their military prominence moving to the wings of the phalanx. They still voted first in the comitia and kept two horses and a groom each- more than any others in the army. When the Roman army started to receive pay, the equites received three times that of the ordinary troops. After Punic War II the equites lost their military position. Roman Politics An eques was bound to a certain number of campaigns, but no more than ten. Upon completion, they entered the first class. Later Equites had the right to sit on juries and came to occupy an important third place in Roman policies and politics, standing between the senatorial class and the people. Disgrace and Dismissal When an eques was deemed unworthy, he was told to sell his horse (vende equum). When no disgrace was involved, someone no longer fit would be told to lead his horse on. There was a waiting list to replace the dismissed eques.
Thursday, November 21, 2019
Open Kitchen Article Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Open Kitchen - Article Example The former is where all the kitchen activities and the myriad of objects usually in the kitchen is open for viewing of the general public - the consumer/s which comprised of families, couples, friends and just plain hungry people. Intuitively, we may think of the closed kitchen as a kitchen where the customers do not see the food and utensil preparation process. They have no idea of what is happening in the room separated from all other parts of the dining area of the restaurant because of the boundaries such as cement, wood or opaque glass. The question now that concerns us is whether to choose an open kitchen or not. As we will see later in this paper, both scenarios have their advantages and disadvantages for the labor side (chef and assistant cooks) and even for the consumer side (customers). However, we argue that one is more appropriate than the other. Such a claim needs backing and this is what the paper is precisely what this paper aims for - to offer points that can help the kitchen designer in deciding which is more effective, appealing, efficient and attractive for those waiting at the dining table. In the early days, cooking was mainly a public affair especially for the Greek and Roman soldiers who had their rations cooked in a large containers place over burning wood. (Harrison, 1972). However, with the amount of smoke generated and having slaves as their cooks, ensuing generations of food establishments, mostly bars and inns, progressively placed cooking in a separate room. Thus, the open kitchen now transformed to the close type. Describing Closed Kitchens Closed kitchens are spaces not open to the view of the customer. In this setting, cooks and their assistants conduct food preparations such as chopping, slicing and dicing. Stoves and ovens (which nowadays are combined in a single equipment) can be located at the sides or placed at the middle aisle which makes it more accessible to both sides thereby facilitating the cooking process and maximizing space. However, the latter configuration presents some danger especially during rush hours where accidents can occur. Refrigerators are placed at the sides as well as sinks and preparation tables. Some closed kitchens have the dishwashing area incorporated in the room while others have another connected extra room. Exhaust systems are usually placed above stoves to take out heat and smoke as fast as possible. Remember that several stoves and oven besides from blending and other equipments are emitting heat and this should be taken out as fast as possible so as not to further irritate the a lready stressed cook. (Kitchens.It, 2007) The settings in closed kitchen can get very busy and very chaotic. Nevertheless, the trained cook is expected to be able to deal with such situations. What is important to note, however, is that closed kitchens tend to get messy, noisy and smelly and the environment can sometimes get very tense. Figure 1 (a) and (b) presents two usual closed kitchen layouts. (a) (b) Figure 1: Closed kitchens where (a) food preparation is at the middle and (b) stoves occupy the middle setting Source: Google Open Kitchen Images (2007) Open Kitchen Layouts Since the kitchen is open to the public, designers make sure that there is not much dangling cooking utensils. Instead, these are arranged in the preparation table or are sometimes placed in drawers incorporated in t
Tuesday, November 19, 2019
HP SL5 Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words
HP SL5 - Essay Example When Carly Fiorina replaced Lew Platt as CEO and president of Hewlett-Packard in 1999, the company had become a gigantic bureaucracy with business units doing their own thing. Profits had fallen along with employee productivity and customer satisfaction. In short, HP had become a technology laggard and was weak in marketing as well. Fiorina, the first female CEO of a Dow Jones-listed company, set out to transform HP from an engineering company to a leading technology solutions company focused on the marketplace. Hewlett-Packard Company was a leading global provider of computing and imaging solutions and services with total revenue of $45.2 billion, per its 2001financial report. The new CEO immediately went to work to reduce operational costs and to put in place a new strategic direction for the company. In September 2001, Hewlett Packard and Compaq, after months of negotiation, concluded a horizontal merger agreement to create a global technology leader, providing a complete set of IT products and services for both businesses and consumers, worth $87 billion in revenues. It was intended to compete with and perhaps edge out competitors Dell and IBM and become the foremost global player in servers, imaging and printing, and would belong to the top 3 in IT services, storage and management software. Fiorina said that recession and bitter competition from main rivals Dell and IBM left the two competitors HP and Compaq no choice but to consolidate to cut costs and streamline product categories, adding that the merger would result in a cost synergy of $2.5 billion a year. It was, she said, an effective way to deal with the cost pressure caused by Dell Computer. Inasmuch as the NT server business was doing poorly, the merger should address the problem of loss of revenues and momentum in generating sales and profits. The combination was to catapult the new company into industry leadership role with customers and
Saturday, November 16, 2019
Using a PC Correctly and Safely Essay Example for Free
Using a PC Correctly and Safely Essay Born in 1812 the second child of a Navy Pay officer, life was never going to be easy for Charles Dickens. In his infant years Dickens had his fair share of bad luck. He knew how it felt to be cold, miserable, poor and altogether unhappy. Soon Dickens father was in debt and was sent to Marshalsea Prison, London. This unfortunate turn meant a 12 year old Dickens had to go and work in a shoe-blacking factory. This embarrassed him for all his life and he felt it was humiliation. Born in 1812 the second child of a Navy Pay officer, life was never going to be easy for Charles Dickens. In his infant years Dickens had his fair share of bad luck. He knew how it felt to be cold, miserable, poor and altogether unhappy. Soon Dickens father was in debt and was sent to Marshalsea Prison, London. This unfortunate turn meant a 12 year old Dickens had to go and work in a shoe-blacking factory. This embarrassed him for all his life and he felt it was humiliation. Dickens was determined not to be the same as his father and managed to get work as a solicitors clerk, and then moved onto a form of journalism for the political debates. Dickens successfully managed to convey what he felt about Victorian England in his books; often they featured under privileged children (Oliver Twist), and other aspects of being poor and needy. Dickens tried hard to let people know about the people working in the workhouses and the terrible conditions they worked in (David Copperfield). He tried to make the more noble class respect the less fortunate and be kinder to the homeless and needy. In his lifetime Dickens influenced the English and worldwide public with his moving stories and made a lot of money for his family in the process. Dickens is well remembered for books like A Christmas Carol but he wrote many others like, Nicholas Nickleby, A Tale of Two Cities, Hard times and of course Great Expectations. Once you turn the first page of A Christmas Carol you are struck by Dickens amazingly detailed descriptions, long sentence structures and incredible vocabulary he uses incredibly intricate words to describe things which really livens up your imagination. Scrooge is introduced to us as a miserable old miser; he hates Christmas and the poor. He dislikes giving and is generally a nasty person who, we as a reader are not meant to have any sympathy for. Dickens sets him up with phrases such as a squeezing, wrenching, grasping, scraping, covetous old sinner. . Scrooges nephew, Fred, who is full of Christmas spirit, visits him and is nice about the poor, life and Christmas. Scrooge replies every idiot who goes about with a Merry Christmas on his lips should be boiled with his own pudding this is insulting to the Christian faith and a lot of peoples beliefs. Scrooge sees the figure of his 7-year dead partner Marley morph onto his doorknocker. He goes in and lights a candle Darkness is Cheap! . Marley visits Scrooge in the night and warns him that three spirits that will change his ways will haunt him. Marley trails a Ponderous Chain which is made of ledgers, moneyboxes and other money related objects that Marley was obsessed with, much like Scrooge. From this we can see Dickens is trying to tell us that money is not everything and the chain Marley wears acts as a symbol that Scrooge and us as a nation have to take notice of. When the Ghost of Christmas Past arrives at Scrooges place of residence, Scrooge is taken on a journey through his prior years as a schoolboy. He is shown as lonely and unloved until his sister comes to pick him up. Here Dickens is showing us that family is important and can bring happiness; she addresses him as dear, dear brother. When Scrooge is taken to his old work he is reminded of how wonderful Christmas used to be. He is given the night off with a, Yo-ho reminding him of how mean he was to his clerk when he told him it was a, poor excuse for picking a mans pocket every 25th of December. This implies that we leave our mark on society; Fezziwig would leave a good one, Scrooge would not be so lucky. When Scrooge is transported to the scene of him and his fianci e together he is reminded of how he chose money over love something Dickens proves to be wrong What idol has displaced you he rejoined a Golden one. The fianci e knows Scrooge is totally in love with money and frees him from the contract they have she departs with May you be happy in the life you have chosen. This shows us as a reader that Scrooge is mean and still takes money over his life we feel sadness for the fianci e and more bitter towards Scrooge. Next Scrooge sees the ghost of Christmas Present and a throne of wonderful food to form a kind of throne, were turkeys, geese, game, poultry This shows Scrooge how wonderful Christmas can be and the amazing food that could be available to him. The people who were shovelling away on the house tops were jovial and full of glee. . Dickens shows us that if Christmas is kept in out hearts we can be warm and happy whatever the circumstance. We then read about Christmas at the Cratchits, an incredibly poor family where Bob, Scrooges clerk, is the father of several children. We read about the extreme lack of money they have and how poor Tiny Tim is supported by an iron frame. They have very little; a small pudding for a large family but they do not mind as they are with each other and that is what is important to them; the family, not the money spent. Scrooge asks about tiny Tim and finds out he is likely to die, however, the ghost quotes Scrooge saying decrease the surplus population exactly what Scrooge had said to two men collecting for the poor and needy. Scrooge begins to feel bad about what he has done and is ashamed of his prior beliefs he realizes money is not everything and you can be happy without it. Scrooge is whisked through three scenes of people celebrating Christmas joyfully even though there conditions are appalling. Scrooge then goes to his nephews party; here he sees how others interpret him, an old miser. He feels sad then Fred makes a toast to him and this brings a tear to Scrooges eyes. He is loved and knows family is important which is what we must recognise. The spirit then produces two children. One is want the other is ignorance, Dickens is trying to say we have major faults in our society that need to be corrected. People want so much, yet are ignorant about other peoples faiths or beliefs. Scrooge now sees the last of the spirits, the Ghost of Christmas Future. We first travel through the streets to a building of business to see men discussing an unnamed mans death and how they wouldnt go to his funeral unless a lunch is provided. Here Dickens is trying to say that if you live a lonely life then you will die lonely. Scrooge then travels through filthy back streets to a dingy hole where women are getting money for things they have accumulated. One of the women has taken down bed curtains from the dead mans bed you dont mean to say you took em down, rings and all, with him lying there? Yes I Do! . Dickens shows that if you die a lonely, unloved and hated person, in your death your shirt will be literally ripped off your back, like the washer women did to Scrooge. Scrooge and the spirit go to a graveyard where no mourners are present here Scrooge finds his neglected grave and realises it was his body they saw in the room and the people were talking about. Scrooge now realises all the wrong doings he has done, He sees he needs to change his ways. Dickens shows we need to be charitable and to change our ways if we are to keep the true meaning of Christmas alive. Scrooge learns many valuable lessons, from which we can learn to, the spirits transform him from this hideous hook nosed demon to a Christmas loving human all in the course of one night. He learns the true meaning behind Christmas and things like family, charity and good will. He sees his ways are wrong, his obsession with money, much like most people who fight over who has the best this and the fastest that but dont see themselves as a Scrooge. He gives money to poor people and is happy with his life finally. This world acclaimed novel has been made into many films, as it is still highly relevant and can be learnt from still. His literary genius conveys, feelings emotions and other amazing literary devices authors recently seem to have lost touch with.
Thursday, November 14, 2019
Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers
Lord of the Flies Ralph      Ralph was a leader and had a good heart throughout the novel. He took action as soon as he set foot on the island. He believed in democracy instead of dictatorship when he decided to take a vote to choose who would be leader instead of appointing himself to be the leader without the consent of the other castaways. His leadership, cleverness and quick thinking made him a remarkable leader.      Firstly, Ralph’s leadership was important because he organized everything right after he was elected. That shows that he knew what he was doing. He established an organized way of communication with the conch. Ralph was assertive when he spoke like when he said, â€Å"No. We’re having a meeting. Come join in.†He was also a fair and just leader like when he won the election and he saw that Jack was upset he said â€Å"The choir belongs to you, of course†and â€Å"Jack’s in charge of the choir. They can beâ€â€what do you want them to be?†He knew his role and did what had to be done.      Secondly, Ralph’s cleverness protected them. Ralph was a thinker he thought of ways to improve the conditions on the island. â€Å"There’s another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire!†this type of cleverness shows that he is thinking maturely and wanting to be rescued like an adult instead of thinking like a normal 12 year old and just wanting to playing games. He also wanted to keep track of everyone so he told Piggy to get names, â€Å"Piggy get the names of all the boys.†     Lastly, Ralph was a quick thinker when everybody was against him. He made quick and decisive decisions when it really mattered. He thought everything through, even aloud â€Å"Think,†when he executed his decisions. When he was evading the savages he used hit and run tactics, which helped diminish his opposition. He even found a hiding place that he saw fit to hide in after he rationalized how effective it would be. Lord Of The Flies :: essays research papers Lord of the Flies Ralph      Ralph was a leader and had a good heart throughout the novel. He took action as soon as he set foot on the island. He believed in democracy instead of dictatorship when he decided to take a vote to choose who would be leader instead of appointing himself to be the leader without the consent of the other castaways. His leadership, cleverness and quick thinking made him a remarkable leader.      Firstly, Ralph’s leadership was important because he organized everything right after he was elected. That shows that he knew what he was doing. He established an organized way of communication with the conch. Ralph was assertive when he spoke like when he said, â€Å"No. We’re having a meeting. Come join in.†He was also a fair and just leader like when he won the election and he saw that Jack was upset he said â€Å"The choir belongs to you, of course†and â€Å"Jack’s in charge of the choir. They can beâ€â€what do you want them to be?†He knew his role and did what had to be done.      Secondly, Ralph’s cleverness protected them. Ralph was a thinker he thought of ways to improve the conditions on the island. â€Å"There’s another thing. We can help them to find us. If a ship comes near the island they may not notice us. So we must make smoke on top of the mountain. We must make a fire!†this type of cleverness shows that he is thinking maturely and wanting to be rescued like an adult instead of thinking like a normal 12 year old and just wanting to playing games. He also wanted to keep track of everyone so he told Piggy to get names, â€Å"Piggy get the names of all the boys.†     Lastly, Ralph was a quick thinker when everybody was against him. He made quick and decisive decisions when it really mattered. He thought everything through, even aloud â€Å"Think,†when he executed his decisions. When he was evading the savages he used hit and run tactics, which helped diminish his opposition. He even found a hiding place that he saw fit to hide in after he rationalized how effective it would be.
Monday, November 11, 2019
Opeartions Humanities †War And Society Essay
‘May God bless our country and all who defend her,’ those were the last few words of Bush’s address to the US public about ‘Operation Iraqi Freedom’ on the 19th of March 2003. It might sound simple, but whatever was said before this made a difference to the lives of the Iraqis, Americans and the world. What were Bush’s intentions? Was it that simple, or was there a deeper meaning why he attacked Iraq? Firstly, President George Bush said.’ My fellow citizens, at this hour, American and coalition forces are in the early stages of military operations to disarm Iraq, to free its people †¦.’ It might be an honourable thought saving the world from the ‘powerful’ Iraq and helping the Iraqis. His purpose was for Iraq’s Self- Interest. He wanted to make sure there were no weapons powerful enough to endanger the world, he wanted to improve the well-being of the country and let the people get free from dictatorship. He wanted to defend the world. It was a noble thing to do for the world, but was it only for Iraq’s Self-interest? Could he have hidden agenda? As the United States and Iraq were involved in the 1991 Gulf War, their relationships were sour. By sending troops over to ‘free’ its people might actually mean to literally invade Iraq for revenge from the view point of some Iraqis. President Bush believed that the Iraqis to be free as they were restricted by their leader here. So if President Bush had achieved the support of the people, Iraq would not look like a country at all without support. In the other light, some of the Iraqis were indeed happy under Saddam Hussein, if President Bush sent troops there to tear the country up and turn it upside down, it would not help in any way at all except causing chaos. President Bush also said, ‘And you know that our forces will be coming home as soon as their work is done.’ President Bush should have withdrawn his troops after invading Iraq and found Saddam Hussein. The rest of the job should be left to the new government of Iraq. He could have supported the new government by providing arms, money food and not US troops after the change of leader. By doing this, he would be indirectly allowing the new Iraqi government to be independent and this would help them to mature and thus helping Iraq. I believed that Iraq’s self-interest did not serve as argument for the invasion of Iraq. It appeared to me that instead of freeing the people, it turned out to be creating more trouble for the country and people. Secondly, ‘Defend the world from grave danger,’ Bush stated. President Bush started the invasion as an act of self-defense. In the past few years, we had seen multiples terrorist attacks and the most major one being the destruction of the Twin Towers. After conformation, it was proven that the Al Qaeda (a terrorist group believed to be responsible for the bombing) was supported by Iraq, and also there were rumours that the Iraqis had Weapons of Mass Destruction in their control. President Bush wanted to find and eliminate the weapons of mass destruction and terrorists. Yes, I agreed that President Bush did not have many choices to choose from. In order to reduce the chances of another attack by the terrorists, and maybe the usage of the legendary Weapons of Mass Destruction, he had to send troops to attack Iraq for self-defense. Yes, I believed that we had to eliminate the two subjects, but was it possible? After losing the Gulf War in 1991, the Iraqis were hit severely and thus might not have the necessary equipments and facilities to build weapons of mass destruction. Also, conformations of the weapons should be clear before launching a search of it. The conformation should not be dependable on just what people thought or said. It should at least be seen. Who knows that maybe the weapon of mass destruction might be the Boeing planes that were used to destroy the twin towers, so President Bush should eliminate all the planes instead. Terrorists did not originate from Iraq, they could be found in many parts of the world, so why did President Bush want to eliminate the terrorists in Iraq only? It did not mean that by eliminating all the terrorists in Iraq would bring more peace to the world. Other terror groups might react violently and there might be more destruction. Instead, the US could have increase security and that would act as a psychological and physical barrier against terrorists from attacking the heavily secured areas. This would this deter the terrorists away and less harm would be done to both sides. ‘Prevention is better than cure,’ the US should be prepared at all times in terms of security and not give any chance to the terrorists. President Bush’s argument about self-defense was valid to a certain extend, but I believed that his methods used could be changed and a war might not be necessary. Internal security should be at a high level before considering attacking Iraq. Thirdly, ‘And helping Iraqis achieve a united, stable and free country will require our sustained commitment,’ commended President Bush. President Bush wanted to end the Saddam Hussein government and help Iraq become a democratic, self-rule nation. President Bush was using the argument of moral justice. He sent the US troops there to eliminate the leader and wanted to stop extreme tyranny, oppression and sufferings by war, as nothing else might work. President Bush wanted to save the innocent and was using the interest of altruism. War might be needed here but according to the actions of the US troops, the argument did not seem to stand. As altruism emphasizes the value of defending the innocent, the US troops were not doing so. It was part of war ethics not to harm or kill prisoners of war. From sources on the internet, US troops who were stationed at Abu Ghraib ( a prison where POWs are held), treated the prisoners of war in a very unrespectable manner. And tortured to a certain extend. So, did this mean ‘protecting the innocent prisoners of war?’ I know it was quite impossible for President Bush to look at this in a micro manner, but he could have at least educated the soldiers that torturing prisoners of war is a crime. Also, he wanted to help Iraq to become a democratic, self-rule nation, I believed he did not have the right to interfere and thus starting the invasion. The kind of ideology a country believes in should not be depended by other countries. A country should have the right to rule itself and ultimately benefit its people. Going back to the 20th century, we could clearly see how did the US tried to promote democracy and eliminate communism. US even went on to participate in wars that did not affect it as the US wanted democracy to be the worldwide ideology. The US might be fighting the war for a main reason, to promote democracy, and not free the people. President Bush did not free the people but instead tried to lock one ideology in the Iraqi minds. Does that mean ‘freeing the people?’ In addition, the war might be fought to prevent a new ideology from surfacing. Some people believed that a new ideology related to Islam might surface and thus threatening the survival of democracy which originated from United States. Islam is the most widely spread religion in the world. So it would not be difficult to influence the people into believing that there would be a new and better ideology. President Bush might be afraid of the growth of Islam and thus tried to use the argument of moral justice as a puppet. President Bush’s argument looked valid at first, but after reviewing what the US troops did, we could see the soldiers did not seem to bother about the war crimes even though President Bush wanted to free the people. Also, he should let the world have their choice of ideology, democracy or something else? Finally, ‘Millions of Americans are praying with you for the safety of your loved ones †¦.,’said President Bush. From this particular sentence, we could see that the Americans are concerned over the safety of the loved ones (US troops). President Bush wanted to ‘defend the world from grave danger’, and that meant that he loved the world or else he would not have such a thought. According to the argument of individuation and expression of love, the only way to show love is to be willing to die for what you love. If President Bush loved the world, he should been in Iraq, fighting the war as he would be willing to die for the world. In addition, if you love someone, you would not want the person to be hurt. By sending so many US troops into Iraq might cause them their lives. So does President Bush love these troops? Also in his speech he said, ‘†¦, with our Army, Air Force, Navy, Coast Guard and Marines, so that we do not have to meet it later with armies of fire fighters and police and doctors†¦Ã¢â‚¬â„¢ From this, we could see that he actually wanted to prevent the civil defense to act but instead the military to do the job. This might mean that he actually loved the civil defense more as he did not want to ‘trouble’ them and thus sending the not-so-loved military over to the danger zones. President Bush’s argument might not be valid here. As we could see that not everyone was treated equally and this might bring harm or even death to a small group that sacrificed their lives. In conclusion, the arguments that President Bush gave in regards to the Operation Iraqi Freedom were invalid most of the time. Some of the arguments looked as if they were to cover up something else. In addition, the speech he made and the actions carried out were not the same most of the time and ‘actions speak louder than words’. Until now, we still did not know why did he attack Iraqi, but we knew he could have made other better choices instead of going for war. http://www.newyorker.com/fact/content/?040510fa_fact (article on prison) http://www.whitehouse.gov/news/releases/2003/03/print/20030319-17.html (speech)
Saturday, November 9, 2019
An Analytical Response to the 1978 film, F. I. S. T. Essay
The plot of the film basically revolve around the life of a worker who desperately seeks a better and a more comfortable life by working hard in a very low-paying job with a management who imposes very harsh and unjust rules and guidelines. The story also deals with the struggles of the workers to earn respect and the right and fair kind of treatment they deserve. The plot centers on the life and struggles of Johnny Kovac’s character which was played by Sylvester Stallone. The character was portrayed as a willful trucker who decided to join the Federation of Interstate Truckers (FIST) to fight and campaign for just treatments among all the country’s truckers like him (â€Å"F. I. S. T. 1987†). Through out the story, Kovac was challenged by a lot of more powerful individual since he was seen as a very strong threat to their deceptive intentions. He also received a lot of threats and physical tortures since he was actually fighting very powerful people. But despite all these challenges, Kovac was nevertheless able to prove that he is stronger than anyone who opposes his intentions to uplift the lives of simple truckers who just deserve fair treatment from their superiors. This was the major conflict and drive of the story. Kovac, as the main protagonist both serves as a hero and the base character of the story where all the other conflicts and highlights are based from. The story emphasized on Kovac’s principles and his efforts of fighting for their rights as truckers. Kovac and all the other characters in the story were portrayed to be simple and typical people with whom, viewers can easily empathize. However, his defeat and death at the end has put a rather distressing and saddening effect to the story. II. Issues The story was basically about the lives and struggles of truckers. Just like other workers, truckers have rights and privileges that they can demand from their superiors. However in this movie, the workers were rather treated unjustly by the management. They were given inadequate compensation and several unfair rules and regulations have been imposed on them. Kovac, as a trucker himself stood up and fought for his principles and afterwards fought for the influence of the labor union, FIST, which he became part of. The movie had a particular emphasis on the laborer’s rights and privileges. The unjust treatments to these workers portrayed in the film are one manifestation that in the real world, this undeserved treatment is also observable. Through the depiction of this issue it can be implied that some capitalist may really have been so fed up by their wealth that they forget that there are still other important things to consider aside from getting richer and this is the welfare of their workers. And because of this issue, the characters of the movie can be observed to seek for their rights and privileges in a rather aggressive way because of the unpleasant manner their company has used to treat them. The issues were basically about, (1) what implications can unjust treatment and deprivation of privileges causes workers; and (2) how well do labor unions actually help in eliminating the hostile relationships between workers and companies. And because this issue has been depicted to have taken all the patience of the workers, some of them have even developed stronger sense of selfishness and greed. Some also developed greed towards money. Kovac on the other hand became more and more obsessed of recruiting for member to join FIST since he wanted his mission and his intention to voice out the wants of the workers to be accomplished as early as he can. These implications may in some ways appear similar to the effects of unjust treatments to laborers people experience in real life. Just like in this film, people may indeed grow hostile and aggressive once their rights and privileges will be deprived of them. But nonetheless, if there is one lesson that this movie was able to send out, it is the fact that it is never just and acceptable to fight for one’s principle in destructive ways. III. Discussion In several ways, this movie appears to carry considerable significance to the real occurrences of unjust treatment among workers in the society. In real life, these incidents are undeniable that is why unions exist. However, the arguable thing is this movie is that Kovac and his other colleagues appeared to fight for what they believe in rather hostile and destructive ways which only made the situations worse. Aside from this, a lot of characters were also depicted to be deceived by wealth and power which made them turn their . backs to their moral perspectives. Thus, this can be considered as one of the moral threats unjust treatments can really cause an individual. In its entirety, the movie appears to be a total representation what goes on in a union and how its members fight for what they believe in. But what appears to be an upsetting and disturbing part of the story is the aggression and immorality which brought about . worse situations and events. IV. Opinion Truly, every person in this world deserved fair treatment as every person deserves equal rights and privileges as well. In a company, the relationship of the executive management to the workers can be considered very crucial. In order to form a pleasant relationship between these two, each party must respect and provide the deserved treatment and benefit of the other party. Because once this rule is broken, hostility might definitely spark which will eventually form an unpleasant relationship between the workers and the management. Personally, I think the movie had an interesting inspiration; however, the real message was not that effectively sent out to the viewers because of the distractions that came from all the unnecessary actions and violence portrayed in the film. But nonetheless, I see this film as a good depiction of how worse a situation may get once a worker’s rights and privileges be unjustly deprived from him or her. Works Cited â€Å"F. I. S. T. (1987): Plot Summary. †The Internet Movie Database. IMDb. com. (n. d. ). (14 May 2009). . F. I. S. T. Dir: Norman Jewinson. Writer: Joe Eszterhas and Sylvester Stallone. Cast: Sylvester Stallone, Rod Steiger, Peter Boyle, Melinda Dillon, David Huffman, Kevin Conway and Tony Lo Bianco. Chateau Productions, 1987.
Thursday, November 7, 2019
French Expressions Using Casser
French Expressions Using Casser The French verb casser literally means to break and is also used in many idiomatic expressions. The verb is used to talk about breaking someone, boring someone stiff, warning someone, making an omelet by breaking eggs, and more. Possible Meanings of casser to breakto crack (a nut)to snap (a branch)to spoil the flavor (of wine)to demoteto annulto lower (prices)(familiar) to kill (esp. if motivated by prejudice) Expressions with casser crier casse-cou quelquunto warn someone casser du sucre sur le dos de quelquunto talk about someone behind his back casser la baraque (informal)to bring the house down casser la baraque quelquun (informal)to screw everything up for someone casser la croà »te (informal)to have a bite to eat casser la figure quelquun (informal)to smash someones face in casser la graine (informal)to have a bite to eat casser la gueule quelquun (familiar)to smash someones face in casser le morceau (familiar)to spill the beans, come clean to give the game away casser les oreilles quelquun (informal)to deafen someone casser les pieds quelquun (informal)to bore someone stiff, get on someones nerves casser les reins quelquunto ruin, break someone casser la tà ªte quelquunto deafen someone, to bore someone stiff casser sa pipe (informal)to kick the bucket, snuff it tout casserstupendous, fantastic; at the most Ça / Il ne casse pas des briques (informal) Thats no great shakes. Ça / Il ne casse pas trois pattes un canard (informal)It / He is nothing special, nothing to get excited about Ça / Il ne casse rien.It / He is nothing special, nothing to get excited about Casse-toi ! (familiar)Get the hell out of here! Il ne sest pas cassà © le cul (slang)He didnt bust his butt. Il ne sest pas cassà © la tà ªte (informal)He didnt overtax himself, put any effort into it. Il ne sest pas cassà © le tronc / la nà ©nette (familiar)He didnt do much, try very hard. Il nous les casse ! (familiar)Hes a pain in the neck! Tu me casses les bonbons ! (familiar)Youre a pain in the neck! un/e casse-cou (informal)daredevil, reckless person un/e casse-couilles (slang)pain in the butt un casse-croà »tesnack casse-cul (slang adj)bloody/damn annoying un casse-dalle (familiar)snack un casse-graine (informal)snack casse-gueule (fam adj)dangerous, treacherous un casse-noisettes/noixnutcracker(s) un casse-pattes (informal)slog, difficult climb un casse-pieds (informal)pain in the neck, nuisance, bore le casse-pipes (informal)the front un casse-tà ªteclub, brain-teaser, puzzle un casse-vitessespeed bump, sleeping policeman se casser (familiar)to split, take off se casser pour infinitive (informal)to strain oneself to do something, to work at something se casser le couto fall flat on ones face, go bankrupt se casser la figure (informal)to fall flat on ones face, go bankrupt se casser la figure contre (informal)to crash into se casser la jambe/le brasto break ones arm/leg se casser netto break clean off / through se casser le nezto find no one in, to fail se casser la tà ªte sur (inf)to wrack ones brains about Proverbs with casser Il faut casser le noyau pour avoir lamande.No pain no gain. On ne fait pas domelette sans casser des Å“ufs.You cant make an omelette without breaking eggs. Qui casse les verres les paie.As you make your bed, so you must lie on it. You pay for your mistakes.
Tuesday, November 5, 2019
How to Write an Abstract for a Scientific Paper
How to Write an Abstract for a Scientific Paper If youre preparing a research paper or grant proposal, youll need to know how to write an abstract. Heres a look at what an abstract is and how to write one. Abstract An abstract is a concise summary of an experiment or research project. It should be brief typically under 200 words. The purpose of the abstract is to summarize the research paper by stating the purpose of the research, the experimental method, the findings, and the conclusions. How to Write an Abstract The format youll use for the abstract depends on its purpose. If youre writing for a specific publication or a class assignment, youll probably need to follow specific guidelines. If there isnt a required format, youll need to choose from one of two possible types of abstracts. Informational Abstracts An informational abstract is a type of abstract used to communicate an experiment or lab report. An informational abstract is like a mini-paper. Its length ranges from a paragraph to 1 to 2 pages, depending on the scope of the report. Aim for less than 10% the length of the full report.Summarize all aspects of the report, including purpose, method, results, conclusions, and recommendations. There are no graphs, charts, tables, or images in an abstract. Similarly, an abstract does not include a bibliography or references.Highlight important discoveries or anomalies. Its okay if the experiment did not go as planned and necessary to state the outcome in the abstract. Here is a good format to follow, in order, when writing an informational abstract. Each section is a sentence or two long: Motivation or Purpose: State why the subject is important or why anyone should care about the experiment and its results.Problem: State the hypothesis of the experiment or describe the problem you are trying to solve.Method: How did you test the hypothesis or try to solve the problem?Results: What was the outcome of the study? Did you support or reject a hypothesis? Did you solve a problem? How close were the results to what you expected? State-specific numbers.Conclusions: What is the significance of your findings? Do the results lead to an increase in knowledge, a solution that may be applied to other problems, etc.? Need examples? The abstracts at PubMed.gov (National Institutes of Health database) are informational abstracts. A random example is this abstract on the effect of coffee consumption on Acute Coronary Syndrome. Descriptive Abstracts A descriptive abstract is an extremely brief description of the contents of a report. Its purpose is to tell the reader what to expect from the full paper. A descriptive abstract is very short, typically less than 100 words.Tells the reader what the report contains, but doesnt go into detail.It briefly summarizes the purpose and experimental method, but not the results or conclusions. Basically, say why and how the study was made, but dont go into findings. Tips for Writing a Good Abstract Write the paper before writing the abstract. You might be tempted to start with the abstract since it comes between the title page and the paper, but its much easier to summarize a paper or report after it has been completed.Write in the third person. Replace phrases like I found or we examined with phrases like it was determined or this paper provides or the investigators found.Write the abstract and then pare it down to meet the word limit. In some cases, a long abstract will result in automatic rejection for publication or a grade!Think of keywords and phrases a person looking for your work might use or enter into a search engine. Include those words in your abstract. Even if the paper wont be published, this is a good habit to develop.All information in the abstract must be covered in the body of the paper. Dont put a fact in the abstract that isnt described in the report.Proof-read the abstract for typos, spelling mistakes, and punctuation errors.
Saturday, November 2, 2019
Cloud Computing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1
Cloud Computing - Research Paper Example 1-2). Cloud computing is widely acknowledged to have the capacity to revolutionize completely the way organizations and enterprises manage their information technology at the same time utilizing it more beneficially. However, the prevailing paradigm requires an infrastructural change in order to fit in for the enterprise needs. Through the adoption of cloud IT services, business enterprises are able to realize efficiency, agility, elasticity as well as cost reduction. Nevertheless, many studies have revealed hesitation by these organizations to adopt the systems for the reason of insecurity. Moreover, establishing sound relations between the clients as well as the service producer would go a long way in confirming the security threat as is interpreted by the research studies. According to Technical White Paper of July 2011, the design and operation of the cloud-based IT environment, sound systems as interpreted though security is a matter of joint efforts by both parties; the cloud c omputing service provider as well as the clients seeking the services (IBM Global Technology Service, 2011, p.3). The customers are subjected to major threats in hacking system; lose of stored data and the overall cooperation of the IT teams from the cloud computing service providers as well s the internal IT departments of the clients to the business. Many enterprises and organizations have come to appreciate the services of cloud computing especially with the increased use of fast internet services through ‘hand held’ wireless gadgets which makes it possible to access these services conveniently and more easily than was in the past (Ernst and Young, 2011, p.4). Studies have cited the increased use of cloud computing services to be beneficial not only from the consumer point of view but also to the service providers. However, there have been notable hindrances to complete adoption of the services especially within the business sector majorly for the reason of poor infr astructures through which no certainty is offered to consumers for the security of their data and information. However, the concerns that emanate from the pools is that the collection would be the best targets to hackers through whom sensitive information of organizations would leak out. Moreover, in the event of data leakage the cloud computing service providers have no specific provision on controlling the effects that would arise. These fears about security and secrecy of organizational information present the greatest challenge to both service providers and the customers. There is therefore the need for the industry to focus on investing in proper infrastructures through which cloud-computing services would be effectively offered. Clients to the cloud computing service providers are hesitant to adopt the dynamic system of data storage because they feel that the system does not fully guarantee the security to their data. On the other hand the crash of Dot com era, the web develop ment gave rise to a newer version of web-based applications, which would introduce rather interactive web pages than was the case with the previous versions of the web sites. The new web services introduced adopted the name of Web 2.0 and had a distinction from the previous web applications in that it allowed higher levels of interactions
Thursday, October 31, 2019
Communication Barriers Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2500 words
Communication Barriers - Research Paper Example  Communication is a very important skill since it plays a decisive role in determining people’s tendency to be productive in the workplace, neighborhoods, classrooms, and all kinds of settings. The communication skills of an individual affect his/her own as well as the organization’s effectiveness as a whole (Brun, 2010; Summers, 2010). Although many people can communicate enough to convey their meaning and perceive others’, not many people are able to communicate effectively. Lack of effective communication is one of the most fundamental factors that inhibit the effectiveness of an organization (Lutgen-Sandvik, 2010). The process of communication involves encoding and sending of the messages by the senders and decoding of the messages by the receivers (Lunenburg, 2010, p. 2; Ergen, 2010, p. 2). Interferences in the process of communication reduce the effectiveness of communication and may even distort the process altogether. ... ess of communication, it is imperative that senders and receivers develop the skills to handle the different kinds of barriers that distort the process of communication (Lehman and DuFrene, 2008). Barriers experienced in the process of communication are of different types that include but are not limited to verbal, nonverbal, external, and internal. Types of communication barriers Verbal barriers Verbal barriers in communication are caused because of inadequate vocabulary or lack of knowledge of the other person’s language (Ergen, 2010). Verbal barriers in communication are typically experienced in culturally diverse workplaces where workers belonging to different cultures and having proficiency in different languages have to interact with one another in a standard language according to the policy of the organization. Even if the vocabulary is enough to carry out the conversation, the differences of dialects and speed of speech pose difficulties in achieving effectiveness in c ommunication. For example, Indians’ way of speaking English is significantly different from that of African Americans’. Even within the native population of America, a range of regional dialects of English prevails. Differences in perception are also characterized as verbal barriers in communication. Differences in perception are influenced by socioeconomic background, educational background, age, experiences, and culture. People from different age groups have different levels of maturity that cause them to voice different opinions that can often be conflicting with one another’s. Differences in socioeconomic status and educational status pave way for the development of inferiority or superiority complexes among the interacting partners that reduce the effectiveness of communication.
Tuesday, October 29, 2019
Data Warehousing Research Paper Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1750 words
Data Warehousing - Research Paper Example In recent times, significant transformation can be observed in the record keeping system of the businesses. Business organizations in the contemporary environment are less concerned about keeping transactional records through journals rather these organizations can be seen to prefer the use of computer and several business applications in order to perform their operations utmost accuracy. Similarly, it has been also noticed that most of the business firms prefers to use data warehouse in order to perform business operation quickly and accurately. Apart from this, it has been also observed that data warehouse is database system where integrated information needs to gather in order to perform various imperative tasks within the business domain. Furthermore, it has been observed that warehouse data can be accessed without entering the information source and inaccessible data sources can be availed through the help of warehouse data. Thus, it can be asserted that warehouse data has offer ed significant opportunity of performing several operations related with database management (Foshay et al., 2007). In this paper, the aim is to highlight the benefits and importance of data warehouse. Apart from this, the study will also explore the units of measurement, which are used in data storage system. Moreover, the discussion will also critically analyze the benefits of data warehouse in detail. According to Hwang & Xu (2008), data warehouse is a database system which has provided several benefits to the individuals and organizations. According to observation, it has been ascertained that data warehouse has usually offered information for its user to perform their task or fulfill requirements more efficiently and effective manner. Apart from this, it has been also perceived that data warehouse can improve the level of productivity for the individuals through saving times.
Sunday, October 27, 2019
Conventional Wisdom Society
Conventional Wisdom Society Introduction The term conventional wisdom is one that has raised a flurry of social indecisions in the past and the present. John Kenneth Galbraith coined it the year 1958. It refers to the belief that is now being propagated amongst the society until it is now believed to be true by the society or around certain domains. This term refers to beliefs, rumors that have for a long time been propagated around the society. This term is referred to as outdated because the issues being raised are not validated by any method be it scientific, mathematical or any other way that may prove that they are true or are of any significance to society as a whole. This is true until now because as we can see it today, reports that are being flouted it the public domain about certain individuals or certain issues that affect the society stay on so long that that people tend to believe more in the rumors than concentrate on the issues that affect the society. Therefore it means that the rumors can change as time goe s by depending on the keepers of the outdated information. However, because of the impact conventional wisdom has had on the society at large, and now that it has found its way in to the academic and professional fields, it is fare that it is pinned in the annals of history as a topic that can be used to accredit things that have taken place in the past (around 1838) and be able to make appropriate studies today. This term might be true or not true, but regardless of the real meaning of the story, one may be mesmerized by the kind of reception that the information is given by the society. The big question that begs is, â€Å"how does conventional wisdom make its way in our society?†The conventional wisdoms are deposed, phased out by new ideas, and the new conventional wisdom is treated in the same breadth in place of the preceding one, there may yet be some remaining connection to the previous system. Impact of conventional theory in the society Conventional theory has instigated high controversies especially in professions and academic circlers. It is a great barrier to formation of new theories and hypotheses. This is because it provides a view that is outdated and yet society seems to have embraced it. However in other circles like the religious and social circles, it acts as a pillar that is leaned on to enhance interactions between persons that share similar beliefs and values. Debate is still high on whether to embrace the concept of conventional wisdom amongst us as a people. Reasons why conventional wisdom still exists People have heard of one issue or another as being told since they were born. Many stories have been told, for example the story on Robinson hood and his excellence as a hero who promotes heroic stunts that are against the law but still manage to survive. The society in which a person lives Because people tend to remain innovative and creative, one may fin an assessment of a certain topic to be almost the same as other issues that are real in the natural world. Because of such kind of an assessment, the individual tends to believe more in this finding and influence other people closer to him to create sense out of the issues that this individual is trying to portray to them. There is also the issue of role models. Nowadays any person that is successful in our society is regard as a role model for the younger generation without regard for the details about the person. This people find easy targets in the people who look up to them because they can easily spread conventional wisdom on the issues that may be of great interest in their opinion Media and public creative arts performances People may also try to stick to some kind of belief because it was presented in the media or some kind of broadcast that has been trusted by society as informative. This is a very strong force to reckon with especially in the 21st century. The modern world relies on the media for almost most information that they need to know. For this reason, the media has been granted the ‘god status, as all information is taken in without criticism. The cinema halls are joining in, because most people now enjoy their leisure time in the cinemas. The cinema has been know as a mode of passing educative information to the public. It means if the cinema has some information that is not true, m some individuals may sanction it as holy and carry it as the truth. Examples of conventional wisdom Conventional Wisdom about Religion and Politics Religion acts as course if inspirational source for the public. People frequent the places of worship to find messages that can uplift their way of life starting from the spiritual life, to politics and other issues in the society. The religious leaders take these opportunities to assert some this that they believe should be the way society has to be shaped towards thus creating the effect that will soon are felt all across the society. The preachers educate the large audiences in the worship centers and mobilize the crowds towards certain premeditated directions. Today in the churches, there are several politically sensitive messages that are delivered in sermons all frequently and in broader terms that could not be thought of by the normal person. It is in view of the majority of religious individuals that these kinds of message are meant to solve social injustices and social values that change humanity. However, this fact has led to the dissemination of certain information to the public domain that is continually affecting the political scene all over the world. The church today is made up of an open loop of people who are bound by very strong beliefs also influenced by the frequent interactions that they have within the church fraternity (Carter, I. J.). These groups of people form a unit of persons with motivation driven by common values and perceptions about different issues that take place in the society today. Churches are the highest centers where conventional wisdom are passed most (White 1968). The conventional wisdoms are deposed, phased out by new ideas, and the new conventional wisdom is treated in the same breadth in place of the preceding one, there may yet be some remaining connection to the previous system. Conventional wisdom on education According to Thomas Jefferson, the process of schooling today was based on the principle of use of force. In this case students are forced to go to school, take assignments, and sit for exams and in worse scenarios, the admittance of students to schools through coercion (Koller, N. B. 2005). In defying this conventional wisdom he provides a seven step plan of action which would guide the education system in the state of Massachusetts. According to Jefferson, a school going child has only three years to fully grasp the general concepts of life that would enable him to make judgments, do arithmetic problems and accumulate enough history to enable the to be able to be better judges of their actions and those of the people that are around them. Conventional wisdom on economics Forecasting is always the norm in the economics. Forecasting in economics is an important concept that may be used in realizing new developments than are likely to occur in the market to prevent against unforeseen complications. In depth research has been made on the kind of research that is being conducted by the scientists be it formal or informal. Scientist who carry out the forecasting of economic trends often insist that they can make consistent and true predictions fore the market as long as the trends in the market continue in a similar manner. Conventional wisdom has always been that the forecasters are the only persons who can deduce the trends of the market. However, contrary to this outdated notion is that the trends in the market depend on a number of factors that are natural and cannot be based on numerical values par se. They have difficulty in identifying the changes in the market trends. The idea is to forecast how trends will change and more important is the time, economy scientists have failed at achieving this forecast (Cocker et al. 81). There is the conventional wisdom that the human population is growing highly and they might just overwhelm the resources that are available on earth. Furthermore these claims were complemented by the fact that the human race may be consuming this resource to their death. This notion tries to send the message that the world is locked with a static amount of resources that might just be used up so nothing remains of it There are several errors in this argument, since it has not been proven. However the human population has continued to believe in this notion. This argument is erroneous because of the assumption that the population in the world continues growing while the resources remain static. Nevertheless the continued growth of the human population results into more knowledge and more provision of labor in the market. We are also thinkers, creators, and producers. When there are more people, there are new ideas and overall productivity/efficiency increases. With more people we can do things more efficiently, using fewer resources in the process. In addition, there is the process of substitution. When there is shortage of certain resources in the market in creates avenues for price rises, creating an inducement to alternate a cheaper resource in the market. Entrepreneurs find substitutes and use them to cover the shortage. The important factor is that the purpose of the product is not lost at any cost by the scarcity of the other. In the sixties the industries and experts said that the world was running out of copper wires. There was an increase on the prices of the copper. Research was the initiated into alternative ways of transmitting information. It can also be noted that the plastics replaced the use of metal when there was worries that the metal could run out. Many examples exist and will continue reoccurring in new forms that cannot be predicted for now (Dixoon Research). Advantage of the existence of conventional wisdom It has created legend acting as a subject identified to them. It is use to gauge normative characteristics in individuals within the context of professionals. It provides an opportunity for bonding and interaction within the society and in professional fields. Disadvantages It propagates a culture which induces lack of growth since in acts as a hindrance to development. Their existence only provides an opportunity for more new conventional theories It reduces the opportunity for innovation and creating since the inventions tend to be pegged on these conventional wisdoms. Conclusions and recommendations The world today is different smaller units which are connected by social interactions and collaborations. There are also many issues that affect the world today ranging from politics, religion, environment and health. It is in the best interest of humanity and the world as a whole to focus on these issues and provide solutions to them. By perpetuating conventional theories in certain sectors hinder the progress for provision of solutions. In some sectors there is observation of high interactions and collaborations. Therefore the human population should be able to distinguish when and where to entertain these conventional theories for the betterment of the world as a whole. Works cited Carter, I. J. Applicant study and professional sociology: Transposition and transformation depictions of daily life. Existing Viewpoints in Social Theory 5:71-100. 1984. Cocker et al. Unconventional perspectives of political conduct: Churches, neighborhoods, and individuals. Journal of Politics 25(3): 81. 1993. Dixoon Research. The Effectiveness of conventional wisdom: objective approach 2000. 28 july.2008. http://www. dixoonresearch.co.uk Koller, N. B. 2005. 28 july.2008. http://www.currentsocietalview.gov.uk/legislation/equal_op_act.htm
Friday, October 25, 2019
Global Positioning System: Decreasing Crop Chemical Application on wit
Decreasing Chemical Application with Technology Works Cited Not Included Many people may wonder why it is so important to decrease chemical application on the farm. When people go to the store they often do not think about what goes into the apple or piece of bread they eat. The more chemicals that farmers use on the crops that are sold to the general public increase the chance that those chemicals get into the food we eat. There are many ways that the government and farmers are trying to reduce the amount of chemicals they are using. These range from simply doing crop rotation to genetically modifying plants and animals. Some of the most common ways farmers are decreasing chemical application with technology are biotechnology, GPS units, and improved equipment. These are all ways that will help reduce the amount of chemicals that get from the field to the dinner table. Biotechnology refers generally to the application of a wide range of scientific techniques to the modification and improvement of plants, animals, and microorganisms that are of the economic importance. (Persley, Gabrielle pg. 1). Biotechnology has occurred in two stages. In the first stage, genetic modifications have included input traits such as pest resistance and herbicide tolerance, providing advantages to farmers in the production phase without changing the final product. The input traits of the first stages in genetically modified crops may increase farmers’ net profits through savings in production costs, reducing chemical use, increased flexibility in crops planted, and in some cases increased crop yield. The second stage of genetic modification will focus on output traits such as improved nutritional features and proc... ...nd more atomization fewer chemicals will have to be used and it will reduce the amount of chemicals that are wasted. In conclusion I hope that this information will help explain the ways that biotechnology, Global Positioning Systems and advanced equipment can help reduce the amount of chemicals that are used on the farm. Biotechnology is not a bad idea and is possibly the only way that we can keep up with ever changing weeds and pests. GPS system can help improve field records and give you more precise farming and will pay for themselves in the end. Last but not least always look for new advanced technology and don’t be afraid of it. Technology is always changing and every day there are new advances in this field that can help farmers produce more with fewer chemicals so that in the end fewer chemicals will reach the dinner table.
Thursday, October 24, 2019
Current Events in the Philippines and How it Affects Good Governance
There are several current issues in the Philippines, let’s just say in economic, political and government conditions, education, environment,health, socials and many more. Every day, we watch on television, we hear from radios, read from newspapers and in the internet the continuous news of corruption of some politicians is the most trending issue.The scandalous pork barrel scam is history in the making. It is the biggest problem now a days in the government, imagine how many senators, congressmen and government agencies are being involved and a lot of budget are being wasted because of these fake NGOS and this is the example of a perfect crime.The second trending issue is on the environment, those fortuitous event like the long list calamities that hit the country, specificallythe earthquake in bohol and the super typhoon haiyan/ Yolanda, these unprecedented calamities has been a great problem to us and for our political leaders but still with the help of outside countries an d with fast relief operations of the government our country is hoping to rise from these terrible events. But ofcourse some of our political leaders again and their operations had become harsh and some mal practices are present.In the midst of our difficulties and despair, some politicians are taking advantage of the situation. We taxpayers pay for the salaries of these lawmakers to make our country the best place to live. To help them perform their job well, but what happened?Instead of performing their jobs and fulfill their function in uplifting the lives of Filipinos many of them used their power, authority, time and effort for sustaining their private interest so it may result in graft and corruption practices and anomalies in the government.Poor become poorer and most of politicians are becoming busy increasing their assets. Now, there is really a good governance in the phillipines? Those sceneraio are the perfect examples that may greatly affect good governance, its because p ublic office is a public trust.Public officers and employees must at all times be accountable to the people, serve them with utmost responsibility, integrity,loyalty, and efficiency, act with patriotism and justice and lead modest lives.
Wednesday, October 23, 2019
The South American Country Economics Essay
IntroductionThis paper is concerned with the economic consideration of one of the South American states and analyzes the impact of an economic concern on that peculiar South American state that has been chosen and identifies the tendency of the economic concern with in specified part on the footing of informations sets accumulate from the beginning. The south American states has major impact on American economic system and the economic concern of one of an of import state raise our organic structure of cognition sing the economic tendency in that peculiar state and its impact on overall economic system every bit good.South American StateThe economic system of South America consists of 12 states with three districts and comprise of 6 % of population in the universe. I have choose Brazil among other South American states as Brazil is the largest South American state and Brazil is one of the fastest turning economic systems of the universe. It is ranked at 5th topographic point in the universe sing population and geographical part and fifth largest economic system sing GDP in the universe. The economic concern of Brazil is efficaciously contributes to universe economic system and interesting tendency of economic system can be seen. ( Abreu, 2005 ) .Economic ConcernAmong four economic concern including GDP, measures of specific Goods and services gross Domestic Product & A ; Acirc ; ( GDP ) , and unemployment rising prices I have selected rising prices. Inflation is an of import economic concern that will consequence the economic system in great extend and rising prices rate of a state economic system is an of import index for a state growing prospective. Inflation means rise in the general monetary value degree of the state and loss the existent value of money as fewer trade goods will purchase with each extra unit of currency. Inflation straight associate to the economic productiveness and has positive and negative both consequence on economic system as it create economic uncertainness which may deter salvaging and investing. High monetary values of general trade goods and billboard will be its largest disadvantage. In positive sense it may promote not pecuniary investing. But the rising prices rate demands to be control in order to prolong state economic system.Inflation tendency in BrazilThe rising prices rate in Brazil is fluctuating over the old ages. No consistent tendency can be seen in the rising prices rate Acs past twelvemonth informations support this premise. Harmonizing to the informations displayed by ( IPCA ) in 2002 the rising prices rate was 12.53 % that is rather high rate. Then the diminishing tendency of rising prices rate can be seen in Brazil economic system as 9.3 % in 2003, 7.6 % in 2004, 5.69 % in 2005, and 3.14 % in 2006 that is least in this decennary. Then the little increasing t endency can be seen in rate of rising prices. 4.46 % can be seen in 2007 and 5.91 in 2008. The fluctuating tendency can be seen in this scope in coming old ages every bit good. ( Inflation Statistical tabular array )Statistical TableInflation ( IPCA )200212.53 %20039.30 %20047.60 %20055.69 %20063.14 %20074.46 %20085.91 %Past two old ages Inflation TrendPast two old ages monthly rising prices rate tendency can be seen from this graph that shows the monthly frequence of the rising prices rate. The graph bars shows the tendency of rising prices from twelvemonth 2011 that is 6.01 % . The increasing incline can be seen from March, 2011 up to October, 2011. Inflation rate at the month of October is the highest that is 7.31 % . Then the control execution on rising prices increasing tendency can be seen from 7.31 % to the deep low rate at 4.92 % in July, 2012 that is complemented to Brazil economic system. The upward Trent at semi one-year bases can be seen in Brazil economic system. The la st recorded rising prices rate of 6.15 % that is rather high. Brazil authorities mark rising prices rate is 4.5 % with the asset and subtraction tolerance border of 2 % in it. The high rising prices tendency is of import consideration for the authorities as increasing rising prices rate impact the economic system in deep roots and do the investing and salvaging hard. Peoples buying power will be effected that will consequence their criterion of life and indulge the poorness degree in the state as trade goods will be hard to buy with even more money in manus because due to rising prices state will lose its existent money value. ( De Paiva Abreu, 2005 ) .Harmonizing to IBGE study it is recorded from 1980 the Brazil rising prices tendency has gone through assorted fluctuations. Historical information shows norm of 411.8 % Brazil rising prices rate that reached at highest rate of rising prices of 6821.3 % in April 1990 that was the highest rate for all clip. The low rising prices rate o f 1.7 per centum was found in December 1998. The step used to cipher rising prices is consumer monetary value index. Brazil of import part in consumer monetary value index are baccy, nutrient and intoxicant that covers 31 % of entire, 15 per centum by conveyance sector and communicating carries 5 % . . ( Brazil Inflation Rate )Statistical Evidence comparing assorted states rising prices rateInflation Rate of assorted states is demoing the Brazil high rate of rising prices as comparison to other states except India that has the rising prices Rate o f 6.62. An increasing tendency is rather endangering for Brazilian authorities for economic growing and required close consideration to command the rate in hereafter in order to stabilise the economic system. Top Economy Last Previous Highest Lowest Unit of measurement Mention Frequency ChartAustralia2.20 2.00 23.90 -1.30 Percentage Dec/2012 QuarterlyBrazil6.15 5.84 6821.31 1.65 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyCanada0.50 0.80 21.60 -17.80 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyChina2.00 2.50 28.40 -2.20 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyEuro Area2.00 2.20 5.00 -0.70 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyFrance1.20 1.30 18.80 -0.70 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyGermany1.70 2.00 11.40 -7.63 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyIndia6.62 7.18 34.68 -11.31 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyDutch east indies4.57 4.30 82.40 -1.17 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyItaly2.20 2.31 25.64 -2.44 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyJapan-0.10 -0.20 25.00 -2.52 Percentage Dec/2012 MonthlyNew Zealand0.90 0.80 44.00 -15.30 Percentage Dec/2012 QuarterlySoviet union7.10 6.60 2333.30 3.60 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlySouth Korea1.50 1.40 32.51 0.17 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlySpain2.68 2.87 28.43 -1.37 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlySwitzerland-0.30 -0.40 11.92 -1.37 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyTurkey7.31 6.16 138.71 -4.01 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyUnited Kingdom2.70 2.70 8.50 0.50 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyUnited States1.60 1.70 23.70 -15.80 Percentage Jan/2013 MonthlyDecisionThe Inflation rate and economic stableness are closely related to one another and required near concern in order to stabilise the economic system. Brazil increasing tendency provide the threatening for its hereafter concerns and shows that the authorities demand to closely see this government in order to stabilise the economic system and to accomplish the economical growing in the universe.
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